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YALL I know this morning I announced that I wasn't gonna be writing for a while well SIKE I lied here I am blessing yall with another chapter


***I stood up and walked away.***

Next morning

We were having breakfast, but I didn't feel like eating so I excused myself and they let me leave. I couldn't stop thinking about last night, I wanted answers to my questions. And I knew where to go.

I didn't know where the women's tent is but I'm gonna find her, I'd seen her every morning around the beach at this time usually lecturing her daughter to not go to the water.

She doesn't have to do that anymore now that her daughter is gone.. or my sister, my head hurts.

I finally got to the beach and I saw, the lady. She's sitting down playing with the sand, I decided to sit next to her "Hi" she looked at me and smiled "Hi".

I looked into her eyes, she seemed to be crying and her light blue skin looked light grey "I'm so sorry about the loss of your daughter" "it's okay, I knew that someday it would end up like this" I can see she was choking back her tears

"May I ask you something?" She nodded her head "before she died, she said that her real mom sent her to this clan, why did her mom send her away?" She smiled a little

"I don't think that's for you to know" she looked at me "I know but...I had a dream or nightmare that your 'daughter' was my sister before you changed her name, it was Ka'ytie" The woman was stunned, "How did you-" "My mother and father sent me away 3 years ago, the people I came with here isn't my blood, they told me that I was sent want for my safety but I never understood why"

She looked at me like I was a sky person, "Your Ma'yan aren't you" I nodded my head " your mother told me about you before she left, thinking about it...you look just like your her" she looked away from me for a bit.

"I can't tell you, you have to ask your mother" "But she's dead, I know she is", the lady laughed a little "her spirit, you talk to her spirit" she looked back at me

I was confused for a second but then knew that she was talking about the spirit tree.

"I can't take you right now but I know someone who can, he's the chief's nephew, how old are you?" "I'm 16, ma'am" "Perfect, your the same age as him, he knows the clan like the back of his hands and he can take you there!"

After some more talking, we went our separate ways, she said to look for the nephew after training, honestly, I didn't feel like going to training, especially without Neteyam.

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