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***You have that look on your face***

He kept walking, I walked a bit faster "Neteyam!" I quietly yelled "Leave me alone"  I caught up to him "Teyam what's wrong?" I grabbed his hand and turned him to face me "Nothing, I'm fine".

"You're not fine" he had his head down "Is there something bothering you?" He shook his head yes "What is it?" "I don't feel like talking" he looked up at me.

I  gave him a few kisses on the lips "Better?" He shrugged, and he released his hands from my grip. My heart sank, I felt like I'd done something really bad that I didn't know I did.

I watched him go towards the water, calling his ilu he dived in. I did the same, "Where are you going"  "I'm going back, we shouldn't be out here anyways" I sighed "please tell me what's going on".

I swam my ilu closer to his and grabbed his hand like I did before "I know you're not used to expressing your feelings but please" I rested my palm on his face, he mumbled something but I couldn't hear what he said "Repeat?" "Chief's nephew," he said but louder this time "What about him?"

He took a deep breath and looked directly into my eyes "I saw you two on his ilu the other day, I just felt jealous" I cracked a small smile.

"you don't have to worry about him, there is nothing serious, and will never be anything serious between us okay?" He nodded but he still had a sad but mad expression on his face " Is there anything else you want to get off your chest?" He shook his head no, and even tho I can tell there is something more I decided to leave it be.

I pulled him into a hug, "What are we, Ma'yan" "Whatever you want us to be, Neteyam" he pulled away from my hug and disconnected his braid, and hopped onto my ilu.

He moved closer to me, pressing his forehead against my shoulder.

Forbidden-Avatar: The way of water fanficWhere stories live. Discover now