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***Alright let's go catch up with the others"***

I grabbed Tuks hand, I couldn't stop thinking about what I saw earlier, *they are a perfect match, no doubt that tsl'ye likes him, no doubt that he likes her.*

Before I knew it we are with Kiri and spider, Tuk let go of my hand to run around. I love Tuk she's like a little sister to me a sister that I never had before; I slowed down my pace to look at my surroundings, Mother Eywa did a great job making Pandora. I wonder what earth looks like is it as beautiful here? Is it more beautiful? I stopped to smile.

"Dude!" I looked up to see Lo'ak running towards me "you got to stop standing there and zoning out like that cuz! I know seeing your little boyfriend talking to a hot chick is disappointing but we got to get to  battlefield" I pushed Lo'ak shoulder slightly "Whatever, let's get going the last one to  battlefield is a dead Ikran" I smiled, pushing Lo'ak out my way

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