Chapter 1: Love Is Dumb

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(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader")

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(Kion 17, Kion means, "Leader")

"Kion you should really think about having a mate," Simba said. Kion rolled his eye's. This was the 5th time this week Simba asked him about that.

"Dad, let me make this clear to you one more time, love is dumb," Kion said. Simba raised an eyebrow.

"Now I going to leave, and roll around in mud," Kion said. "Why would you do that?" Simba asked. "Because it's fun," Kion replied. Simba shook his head. Kion ran off.

Kion met his friends at the mudpots. "Hey guys!" Kion shouted. "Hey," Zuberi replied. "Sup Ki?" Drago smiled. "How's it going?" Abedi asked.

(Zuberi 17, Zuberi means, "Strong")

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(Zuberi 17, Zuberi means, "Strong")

(Zuberi 17, Zuberi means, "Strong")

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(Drago 16, Drago means, "Dragon")

(Abedi 17, Abedi means, "Worshipper")

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(Abedi 17, Abedi means, "Worshipper")

"Nothing," Kion smiled. He walked into the mudpots with his friends.

"Anything new?" Abedi asked. Kion groaned, "My dad is trying to convince me to get a mate," Kion rolled his eye's.

"Doesn't he understand that you don't want one?" Drago asked. Kion shrugged. "Kion, you neednto convince him to let you make your own decisions," Zuberi said.

"Yeah I know, but he doesn't listen," Kion groaned. "At least try," Zuberi replied. Kion nodded.

The 4 males spent the rest of the day splashing each other with mud.

At nightfall, Kion walked back to Priderock. Simba was waiting for him.

"Kion, I need to talk to you," Simba said. "Not now, I'm tired," Kion replied. "I've set you up on a date," Simba said. Kion froze.

"A what!" Kion shouted. "A date," Simba replied. "No, no way I'm doing that," Kikn growled. "You have no choice Kion," Simba replied.

"How could you do this to me!" Kion shouted. "Im trying to help you Kion," Simba replied. Kion glared at him. "Your date is tomorrow at sunset, be there," Simba said. He walked unto Priderock.

"Oh, I'll be there," Kion smirked.

Kion and Rani: They Want Me To Love Where stories live. Discover now