Chapter 4: Stop

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Kion and Drago met Abedi and Zuberi. "Morning," Zuberi smiled. "Morning," Drago replied.

"Kion you good?" Abedi asked. "No. Last night, my dad literally tried to make me mate with 2 lionesses!" Kion shouted. "Why?" Zuberi asked.

"Because he wants me to have a mate," Kion rolled his eye's. "Well he isn't wrong. We do need a mate," Zuberi replied. Kion growled, "You guys go ahead and have one, I'll pass."

"You say that now, but what happens when you meet the right lioness?" Abedi asked. "Which will never happen, and who's side are you on?" Kion asked.

"I'm not siding," Abedi replied. "I got to go," Kion walked back to Priderock, where Simba was waiting for him.

"Kion, you have a date with Zani," Simba said. (Zani means, "Gift From God")

"No dad! You need to stop this! I don't want a mate, I never will want a mate and there is nothing you can do to change my mind," Kion growled.

"Talking back to your father?" Simba raised an eyebrow. Kion growled.

"I want you to stop! I hate this! Your making my life miserable!" Kion shouted

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"I want you to stop! I hate this! Your making my life miserable!" Kion shouted.

"Kion, im trying to help you," Simba said. "If you are, then stop!" Kion growled. Simba shook his head, "Be ready by sunset. Oh, and you aren't going to try and scare Zani away," Simba said.

"Arg," Kion growled and walked in Priderock.

"He'll understand eventually Simba," Nala said walking up to Simba. "I hope so," Simba sighed. Nala nuzzled him.

Kion sharpened his claws against the stone walls in anger. "Why does my dad do this to me!" Kion shouted.

Kion slumped to the ground. When Simba said that Kion can't scare off Zani, Kion started to think that Simba would be watching him, making sure he didn't try getting rid of Zani.

Sunset eventually came. Kion growled under his breath as he walked to Zani. He caught a small scent of Simba. "He's watching me," Kion rolled his eye's.

"Hi Kion," Zani smiled. Kion just walked past her. "Hey are you ok?" Zani asked. Kion snapped, "NO IM NOT FINE! My dad is forcing me to go on dates with lionesses! I don't want to! I don't even want a mate why doesn't he understand!"

"Oh. Simba told me that you asked to take me on a date?" Zani raised an eyebrow. "No! My dad is a liar!" Kion growled. "You can go, I had plans with my friends anyway," Zani said.

"Wait really?" Kion asked. Zani nodded and smiled, "No one should be forced to do something they don't want to."

"Thanks," Kion ran away. "Come out dad, I know your there," Kion growled. Simba walked out.

"I'm not in trouble, she ended the date. Not me, you can't punish me," Kion said. "Fine. But I am going to find another lioness for you," Simba replied. Kion rolled his eye's and walked away.

Simba walked around the pride, looking for a lioness Kion might have some sort of interest in.

Then, Simba saw something near the border. He walked up to it.

Simba recognized it as a lioness. She was about 15. "Hey, who are you?" Simba asked approaching her.

"My name's Rani," Rani smiled.

(Rani 15, Rani means, "Queen")

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(Rani 15, Rani means, "Queen")

"Hey I need your help," Simba said. "I don't even know you," Rani replied. "Exactly, now, will you go on a date with my son?" Simba asked.

"Wait what?" Rani shouted. "Ok good, see you at sunset," Simba started to walk away. Rani held his tail.

"Ain't no way I'm doing this without something in return," Rani growled. "Ok, what do you want," Simba asked.

"Meat. Lots of meat," Rani replied. "Alright, but because of that, it will be more than one date with him, this way," Simba said. Rani nodded and followed him.

Kion and Rani: They Want Me To Love Where stories live. Discover now