Chapter 15: Hated

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Rani fell asleep next to Kion, happy that she was with him.

Rani woke up before Kion. She walked out of Priderock, but was surrounded by angry lionesses.

"She took Kion from us!" One growled. Rani pinned her ears to her head and backed up in fear, but bumped into another lioness.

One lioness walked up to Rani. It was Qalli.

Qalli growled at Rani, "You took Kion from me!" "N-No-" Qalli cut her off. "YES YOU DID!" Qalli threw her paw at Rani. Rani put her paw up, trying to block the blow. Qalli put a deep cut into Rani's arm.

"Ahh!" Rani cried as blood ran down her arm. "I'm going to kill you, then Kion will make me his mate!" Qalli growled.

"No you won't," A voice said. Rani turned around and saw Kion. "Kion!" Qalli shouted. Kion shoved through the lionesses and right to Qalli.

"I think I've heard enough," Kion growled. "Why do you want Rani as your mate! She is ugly!" Qallu shouted, "I thought you wanted a pretty lioness as a mate!"

"Your right, I do. And you don't fit my request," Kion smirked. Qalli gasped. "Rani is perfect, you on the other paw, are ugly, and rude. Get out of my dad's kingdom," Kion growled.

"You aren't the king, I don't take orders from you," Qalli replied. "Your right, he isn't king, but I am," Simba walked up.

"S-Simba," Qalli stampered. "You have disrespected my son, and his mate. You are exiled from the Pridelands," Simba growled. Qalli scoffed and walked away.

Simba growled at the lionesses, "Don't disrespect the royal family, which now includes Rani. Or face the consequences!"

The lionesses ran away in fear, but one still growled at Rani. Simba roared and she ran away.

"Rani you ok!" Kion turned to her. He saw blood on her arm. "Rani?" He gently grabbed her arm, and brought it up.

Kion gasped when he saw the huge scar on Rani's arm. Rani cried. "Rani it's ok, I'm here," Kion pulled her into a hug.

Rani cried into his chest, "They hate me Kion!" Kion didn't know how to respond. He just pulled her tighter into the hug.

Simba walked up to them, "I'm so sorry about this Rani." Rani turned her head away. "I will make sure it doesn't happen again," Simba walked away.

"Kion, we shouldn't be together if everyone is going to hate me for it," Rani cried. "No Rani! Don't say that! We will make them understand that you are mine, not theirs. I only belong to you," Kion replied.

Rani looked up from his chest, "Thanks Kion." "Of course, my heart only belongs to you," Kion replied. Rani smiled and licked his cheek.

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