Chapter 19: A Blur Of Excitement

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The next morning, Kion and Rani woke up. They realized they had fallen asleep in the plains.

"Oops," Rani chuckled. "Guess we fell asleep," Kion smiled. "C'mon, let's go," Rani and Kion walked back to Priderock.

"Where were you guys!" Nala shouted. She started smothering them. "We fell asleep in the plains," Kion replied. "Why didn't you tell anyone!" Nala shouted.

"We didn't expect to fall asleep, we just wanted to look at the stars, but fell asleep," Kion replied.

"At least your safe," Nala smiled. Rani groaned.

"Rani?" Kion asked. Rani held her stomach. Simba approached them. "Hey what's wrong with Rani?" He asked. Nala ran up to her.

Nala put a paw around Rani, trying to help her, but felt something else. Nala gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" Rani asked. "Rani, you're pregnant," Nala replied. Kion froze.

Simba nudged him, "So, you weren't only sleeping last night were you?" Kion didn't respond.

"I'm pregnant!" Rani smiled. Nala nodded. Rani jumped to Kion. "Did you hear that!" Rani squeaked. Kion didn't reply.

"Hello?" Rani waved her paw infront of his face. Kion snapped back to reality.

"Your pregnant?" Kion asked. Rani nodded with a smile. Kion hugged her, "I'm so happy." "Me too," Rani replied.

"I finally get grandcubs!" Simba shouted. Nala walked to him, "See, you were patient," She chuckled. Simba nuzzled her.

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