Chapter 3: A Den

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Simba pushed Kion into a den. There was a lioness waiting for him. "Have fun," Simba winked at Kion. Kion growled and walked into the den.

"Hi Kion," Uri jumped up to him and smiled. (Uri means, "My Light, My Flame")

Kion rolled his eye's. "What do you want to do?" Uri asked with a smile. "Sleep," Kion replied. Uri frowned, "That's not fun."

"Ok what would your definition of fun be then?" Kion asked. Uri smirked at him.

"Nope," Kion walked over the wall, and slept. Uri growled.

Kion opened an eye, and saw her frustration. He chuckled.

Eventually, Uri left because she didn't get what she came for. Kion smiled and walked out of this den to Priderock.

Simba was suprised to see Kion. "What are you doing here?" Simba asked. "Uri left," Though that wasn't completely a lie. "Why?" Simba asked.

"Who's knows the ways of lionesses," Kion walked into Priderock, but Simba held his tail.

"No Kion. Just for this casenario, I got a back up lioness," Simba explained. "Hi Kion," Qalli walked out and smiled. (Qalli doesn't have an actual definition, so i'll make one. Qalli means, "Energy")

"Seriously dad!" Kion shouted. Simba nodded. Simba pushed Kion back to the cave with Qalli.

Kion groaned. Qalli hopped up to him. Kion walked past her, and layed down. "Not a Hi or anything?" Qalli asked. Kion started to snore. Qalli frowned. She walked over to Kion.

Qalli shook Kion awake. "Jeez what's your problem," Kion growled. "This den is for mating, not sleeping," Qalli replied. "Alright then, let's bounce," Kion started walking out.

"Your dad sent you here to have fun with me, and that's exactly what's going to happen," Qalli said. Kion was confused for a second, but then was pushed onto his back by Qalli.

Kion took his back paws and flew her off him

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Kion took his back paws and flew her off him. Qalli stood up. "Back off. I don't want a mate," Kion growled and walked out.

Kion walked into Priderock, careful not to wake Simba.

The next morning, Simba found Kion in Priderock. He walked over to the sleeping lion.

"Have a good time last night?" Simba smirked. Kion opened his eyes, "No." Kion closed his eyes again.

Simba was confused. "What do you mean?" "I backed out," Kion replied, his eye's still closed.

"Why?" Simba asked. "Because I don't want a mate, I've told you this before," Kion growled.

"No Kion, you need a mate," Simba said. Kion rolled his eye's. "I will find you the right lioness," Simba said determinedly, "No matter what."

"Pfft good luck with that," Kion smirked. Simba frowned at him, and walked out.

Drago walked up to Kion, "Man your dad really wants you to have a mate." Kion rolled over on his back, "I don't understand why we need to a mate in life. Lionesses do nothing," Kion said.

"Actually, that's wrong. They do the hunting, they make sure that we eat, and they have the cubs. So we do need them," Drago corrected.

Kion glared at him, "Don't go all logic on me now." "Sorry," Drago chuckled.

Kion stood up. "Let's go."

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