Chapter 20: He Doesn't Care

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When Rani first told Kion she was pregnant, Kion seemed so happy, but ever since, he's been....distant from Rani.

Kion woke up before Rani. He stood up and left.

Rani woke up the next morning, to not feeling Kion by her. "That's weird, me and Kion always woke up together," Rani thought. She stood up slowly, and went looking for Kion.

Rani went to Simba and Nala. "Have you guys seen Kion?" Rani asked. Simba and Nala looked at each other. "No, we haven't," Simba replied.

"Ok, thanks," Rani continued looking.

As Rani was looking, she fell to the ground in pain. "Ahh!" Rani cried. Uri heard this. "Im coming Rani!" Uri ran to Rani.

Rani layed on the ground in pain. Uri approached her. "Hey what's wrong?" Uri asked. Rani groaned, "My stomach."

Uri knew what to do, "I'll get Kion," She ran to look for him.

The pain only got worse for Rani. She had tears going down her face.

Uri found Kion. "Kion! It's Rani!" Uri shouted. "What's up with Rani?" Kion asked. "I don't know, but she needs you!" Uri replied. Kion nodded, and they ran to Rani.

When they arrived, Rani was on the ground, crying. "Rani, you ok?" Kion asked. "The cubs, are kicking," Rani cried. Kion scoffed and walked away.

Uri watched him leave, "I thought he was happy that you were having cubs?" She asked. "I thought so to, what's gotten into him, "Rani asked, but then groaned in pain as a cub kicked again.

Rafiki came not long after. "Here eat these," He handed Rani some Poppy seeds. Then he handed her Marigold. "That should help," Rafiki smiled. "Thank you," Rani smiled back.

Rani stood up, "I'd better go back to Priderock," She walked away.

Uri stopped Rafiki. "Rafiki, somethings up with Kion." "How so?" Rafiki asked. "When the cubs were kicking, and Rani told him, he just scoffed and walked away," Uri explained.

Rafiki thought for a moment, "I have never heard of this happening before." "What do we do?" Uri asked. "I'm not sure," Rafiki sighed.

Rafiki walked away, and Uri followed Rani. "Something is wrong with Kion, and I need to fix it, before the cubs are born, because once they are, who knows what Kion will do to them...."

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