Chapter 17: Calm Down Simba

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Nala walked up to Simba. "Simba?" She asked.

"Yes Nala?" Simba replied. "Kion told me you were bugging him about having cubs," Nala said. "Well, I want grandcubs," Simba replied.

Nala chuckled, "Simba, you'll live long enough to see their cubs. Stop pressuring Kion." "I guess you're right." "You guess!" Nala pinned him down.

"I am always right Simba." Simba chuckled, "Yes Nala, you are." Nala nuzzled him, "You just need to wait. They will have cubs when they are ready." "Ok, I'll wait," Simba replied.

"C'mon let's go, the evening hunt is going to start soon," Nala said. She and Simba walked back.


Guys, I had to see my biological dad today. But me and my sisters didn't want to because he hurt us, and abused our mom, but we were forced to see him.

And I found out we have to see him every Saturday. This is tearing me apart, so if my writing isn't as good, now you know why. I'll still write, a lot, but it's probably not going to be as good as it once was.

Im sorry everyone.

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