Chapter 18: The Evening Hunt

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Nala, Simba, Kion, Rani, and the lionesses headed off to the hunt, but Rani was limping.

"Rani, I know that scar is hurting you. I don't want you to get hurt while hunting. Maybe, just watch?" Kion asked. "I'm fine Kion, it will completely heal eventually. Rafiki only did half the job," Rani smiled.

"Ok, but I will be right by your side incase anything happens," Kion replied. "Ok," Rani licked his cheek.

The royal family, and the lionesses stalked some gazelles. Nala ran and jumped on the back of one. She bit into its neck. The gazelle fell down, dead.

The other gazelles ran. The lionesses gave chase, as well as the royal family.

Rani tripped and fell. Kion quickly stopped. He turned around to Rani. "Hey you ok?" He asked. Rani nodded, "My arm just started hurting."

"Let's let them hunt, I'll stay with you," Kion replied. Rani smiled and licked his cheek, "Thanks Kion." "Anything for you."

Not long after, Simba, Nala, Kiara, and the other lionesses came back with three gazelles, and the one Nala caught earlier.

"Nice catch," Kion smiled. "Yea, we did a pretty good job," Kiara replied. Rani slowly stood up. "Are you ok?" Kiara asked. "Yea, my arm still hurts, but im fine," Rani replied. Kiara nodded.

"Alright, let's head back," Simba said. They dragged the four gazelles to Priderock.

As everyone ate, they also talked. "How was your day?" Mosi asked. (Mosi means, "Born First")

"It was fun!" Akida smiled. (Akida means, "Cheif")

Everyone smiled.

Sunset soon approached. They all walked inside Priderock, but Kion and Rani. They wanted to watch the stars.

Kion and Rani layed in a grassy plain. The moon shined on them. Rani layed her head on Kion's shoulder.

"Rani, where's you family?" Kion asked. Rani turned away, "I don't want to talk about it." "Well, can you at least tell me where you lived?" Kion replied.

Rani sighed, "The Tree Of Life." "Have you ever thought of going back?" Kion asked. "No. It's burned down," Rani replied. "Oh, I didn't know," Kion wrapped a paw around her.

"I-I didn't even say goodbye," Rani cried. "To who?" Kion asked. "My family. They were all trapped in the tree, and burned to death," Rani cried.

"Rani I'm so sorry," Kion apologized. Rani cried into his chest. "It's ok Rani, I'm here," Kion hugged her.

After a while, Rani felt better.

"Thanks Kion," Rani smiled. "Of course," Kion nuzzled her.

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