Chapter 7: Anger Must Be Controlled

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Kion held Rani down with one paw, his claws to her chest.

"Kion what are you doing!" Rani shouted. There was fear in her voice.

"You made my friends leave me, didn't you!" Kion growled. "It was just a prank," Rani replied.

"Oh yeah, then I've got one of my own," Kion dug his claws into her chest, and slowly drew them down her stomach. Rani screamed in pain.

Everyone in Priderock woke up to Rani's scream. "Kion!" Simba grabbed him off Rani, who was bleeding uncontrollably.

"Let go of me!" Kion growled. Simba dropped him. "What is wrong with you!" Simba shouted. "She made my friends betray me," Kion growled.

"That doesn't mean you fire back!" Simba replied. "It's does to me," Kion snarled. "Kion, it's fine," Simba said, "And if you keep acting like this, I will send you on more dates."

"It's not like you weren't going to anyway," Kion mumbled and rolled his eye's.

The lionesses went to Rani's side. She was lying in a pool of blood. "Rafiki!" Kiara shouted. He walked in.

Rafiki didn't ask what happened, he first helped Rani. He got cobwebs and put them on the open wounds. This stopped the bleeding.

"She is fine, she only needs rest," Rafiki explained. Everyone nodded. Rafiki left.

Kion decided he should check on Rani. He did hurt her pretty bad.

Kion moved past everyone. He gasped. Rani's body was covered in blood, and cobwebs. And she was surrounded by blood.

"How does seeing Rani like this make you feel?" Simba asked Kion. Kion put his head down, "Guilty."

"It was just a prank Kion, no need to overreact," Simba walked away. Kion looked at Rani. She was shivering.

Kion walked to her side, the blood staining his paws. He curled up around Rani, keeping her warm.

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