Chapter 9: Unexpected

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After a few days, Rani's injuries started to heal up. They weren't as bad, and Rani could move around.

Rani stood up and walked out of Priderock. She walked down to the watering hole.

As she was drinking, she felt the presence of someone else. She looked up and saw Kion sitting beside her.

"Ugh what do you want," Rani rolled her eyes. "Rani, I'm really sorry. Just why won't you forgive me!" Kion wailed, "I hate having this burden on my shoulders!"

Rani didn't reply, she was to shocked at Kion's distress. "Rani please forgive me! I didn't mean to hurt you! My anger took over," Kion begged.

Rani started to feel bad. "I forgive you Kion," Rani sighed. Kion jumped up, "Thank you!" "Uh, no problem," Rani replied.

Kion ran off. He stopped at Priderock. His chest started to hurt. Kion groaned in pain. He went to Rafiki.

"Rafiki?" Kion asked. Rafiki popped his head out of the tree. "Yes Kion?" "My chest hurts, am I ok?" Kion asked with worry. "Climb up," Rafiki motioned him up. Kion dug his claws into the tree, and hauled himself up.

Rafiki felt Kion's chest, then his heart, and lungs.

"Ha ha ha!" Rafiki shouted. "What?" Kion raised an eyebrow. "You Kion, are in love," Rafiki replied.

Kion gave a shocked face

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Kion gave a shocked face. "No! You're lieing!" Kion shouted. Rafiki hit him on the head with his staff.

"Hey!" Kion rubbed his head. "I know more than you do Kion, and you are in love," Rafiki said.

"But I don't want to be," Kion replied. "Want me to hit you on the head again?" Rafiki asked. Kion covered his head, "Please don't."

"Kion, love comes to everyone at one point," Rafiki explained. Kion groaned. "Is it Rani?" Rafiki asked. "I attacked her, how can I like her, or she like me," Kion rolled his eye's.

"Ha ha! You want her to like you," Rafiki shouted. "No I don't," Kion growled. "You do, Rani has gotten under your fur! Ha ha ha!" Rafiki laughed with excitement.

"Hmm I guess," Kion replied. Rafiki hit him on the head with his staff. "Ow! You said you wouldn't do that!" Kion rubbed his head. "I only do it, when you talk nonsense," Rafiki replied.

Kion rolled his eye's. "Simba is going to be so happy that you've found love!" Rafiki smiled. "Oh great. If I somehow become mates with Rani, dad's going to start bugging me about cubs," Kion groaned.

"Ha! You just admitted you want cubs with Rani!" Rafiki shouted. "What! No! Your twisting around My words!" Kion replied in shock.

"I'm only repeating what I hear," Rafiki replied. Kion groaned. Rafiki pushed Kion to the edge of the tree. "Go talk to Rani!" He shouted. "But I don't-" Before Kion could finish, he was pushed off the edge.

Rafiki walked away, "He'll land on his paws cats always do."

"Ahh!" Kion fell down on his stomach. Rafiki looked down at him. "Huh. Fumble paws!" He shouted. "Hey you pushed me!" Kion shouted. "I would have landed if you didn't shove me," Kion mumbled.

Kion and Rani: They Want Me To Love Where stories live. Discover now