Chapter 10: I'd Never Fall In Love

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As Kion was walking to Rani, he started to realize, he had fallen in love with her.

"I can't believe this, how could I fall in love," Kion sighed. But smiled when a picture of Rani came into his mind.

Rani was still at the watering hole. Kion approached her. "Rani?" Kion asked. Rani turned around, "Hi Kion," She smiled lightly.

"Rani, I promised myself I wouldn't fall in love, but then, I met you..."

(The chorus makes more sense)

Rani was shocked, "You, like me?" Kion nodded. "Um, uh, g-give me a minute," Rani ran away.

Kion watched her run away, "Exactly why I hate love," He sighed and walked away.

Rani ran to Uri. "Uri!" She shouted. Uri came out of her and Abedi's den, "What's up?"

"Kion, he uh, just admitted he likes me," Rani stampered. Uri's eyes widened, "That's amazing! Your his first love ever!"

"Well it just, I don't know what to think. I mean, he attacked me not to long ago," Rani replied. "He doesn't get angry that much," Uri replied. "But, I don't want him to hurt me again," Rani said.

"If he loves you, he won't hurt you," Uri chuckled. "I still need to think about it," Rani walked away.

Kion and Rani: They Want Me To Love Where stories live. Discover now