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Not even an hour into their time at UA High, class 1-A was participating in a test. Mr. Aizawa said that it was to test quirks, seeing as nobody could use them in the same testing they had done in the years previous.

Of course, Reigen had no idea what any of these tests were. All she could hope to do was to copy what the others did.

The boy with blonde hair, Bakugo, was up first in a softball throwing test. He wound up his pitch, and threw the ball behind a blast of fire. The ball rocketed away from the group, and all of the students stood in awe.

"All of you need to know your maximum capabilities. It's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." Shouta held up a device with a screen on it, 705.2m displayed.

"Woah, 705 meters, are you kidding me?" A boy with yellow hair said.

"I wanna go! That looks like fun!" A pink girl with horns spoke next.

"This is what I'm talkin' about, usin' our quirks as much as we want!"

"So this looks fun, huh?" Shouta spoke again, making the rest of the students go quiet. "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and play time?" A smile curved his features. "Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none, and will be expelled immediately."

Oh, crap. Reigen thought dramatically as the other students gasped. Well, I guess it was fun while it lasted. A nice thought... A silly dream. No special treatment so of course...

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs. If you got a problem with that, you can head home right now."

With that, and after a rant about the unfairness of the world, the testing began.

Midoriya had a rough go of his turn, Shouta erasing his quirk and speaking to him for a moment before letting him try again. Reigen's heart sank for him when she saw the broken look on his face. She didn't know what quirk he had, or how he got in in the first place. All she knew was the look of desperation he had on his face greatly reflected the feeling she had within herself.

He threw the ball, and everyone was tossed around slightly by the wind it caused. Reigen's mouth was agape, as were the rest of her classmates. Bakugo seemed to be irritated for some reason, and rushed Midoriya as he loudly questioned how he did it.

Shouta stepped in, ending the short quarrel and leaving Midoriya to return to his classmates. Reigen went up to him, eyes widening when she saw that his finger looked to be broken.

"Woah-- Midoriya, are you okay?"

"O-oh, yeah, this is nothing!" Reigen pressed her lips together as Uraraka began her own bout of worried questioning, Midoriya looking flustered by both of them.

"Hey," Reigen touched his wrist, grabbing his attention. "I can help-- at least, take the edge off if you'd let me."

"Huh?" Midoriya tilted his head, and Reigen held out one of her hands. He placed his injured one in hers, and she closed her eyes. Nobody around them was watching, rather, they were interested in the next student throwing their ball and gauging their quirks. A faint light began to glow around Midoriya's injured finger, and the purple tinge faded just a bit. Midoriya and Ururaka's eyes both widened, and Reigen opened her eyes.

"There, uh... How does it feel?"

Midoriya flexed his fingers, seemingly with less strain. "Woah, it feels better!" Ururaka gasped, staring at the white haired girl.

"That's amazing!"

Reigen smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry I couldn't help more, I can only really help minor injuries." Something warm then trickled from her nose and she quickly went to wipe it, but both of her classmates saw.

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