t h i r t e e n

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Since Shouta was out for the night busy with school and hero duties, Reigen made dinner for her and her brother.

She had taken out the paper meant for her decision on the agency she wanted to go to, meaning to bounce the most interesting sounding ones off of her brother.

"Hmmm, how about Manual? He put in an offer for me."

Ren shook his head, auburn hair swishing back and forth. "I like him, but he's kinda boring."

Reigen chuckled, having listed off quite a few hero names that her brother shot down. "Alright, picky, how about you take a look at my list and tell me who sounds interesting to you."

This seemed to be exactly what he was waiting for, as he grabbed her little printout of agency names and looked closely at it.

At just eight years old, the boy was terribly smart. He already was able to read at a high school level, and he was good at math, unlike his sister. He was absolutely obsessed with heroes, like most boys his age. This was another reason the girl wanted to become one herself-- she wanted to be someone he could be proud of, not the big sister who got thrown around in front of him.

It didn't take long for Ren to exclaim. "Hawks! Hawks requested you! Rei, you have to go with him, that would be so cool! And you both have wings!"

She furrowed her eyebrows slightly at this, leaning over to look at the page. She hadn't seen it before, but sure enough, Hawks' agency was listed right smack in the middle. "Wow, he requested me?"

"It's 'cause of your wings," Ren said matter of factly. Reigen grinned, poking her little brother in the side.

"So I would be cool, huh? I'm not already cool?" The younger boy had let out a screaming sort of laugh when she had poked him.

"No, you're not."

"Rude!" She began poking him more, getting all the spots she knew would elicit a reaction. By the time he was begging her to stop, there were tears in his eyes from laughter. Reigen had her own wide smile, an evil glint in her eye.

"Alright, King Ren, if interning at Hawks' agency would make me cool, I'll do it."

He pumped his fist, jumping to give his sister a hug. The blow knocked her over, and she feigned being taken out, putting a hand over her head.

"Oh my gosh, dude. You're getting too strong!"

"Yeah," he laughed evilly. "I'll become a hero one day, too!"

She smiled at the thought of him using their father's quirk for something good. They went back to watching television as Reigen scribbled her decision on her paper. Soon enough, Ren was yawning and she decided it was best for him to go to bed. Not long after she sent him off, she went to her own room. A part of her wanted to wait for Shouta to get home, but she was sleepy and she was going to take that while it lasted.

She crawled into bed, texting Shinso about her decision for the internship and bidding him a good night. Of course, as soon as she was in bed and in the darkness, her anxieties began to bubble up. She was wide awake.

It was going to be a long night.


"So, who did you choose for your internship?" Kaminari asked Reigen the next morning.

"Uh, Hawks' Agency," she replied with a yawn.

"Hawks? For real?" He pounded a fist onto his desk, and Reigen flinched a bit. He didn't seem to notice, though. "He requested you?"

"Yep. My brother thinks it's because of the wings."

Kaminari laughed. "Still, that's really cool! The number three hero, you'll probably have some interesting stories when you get back!"

"Yeah, I hope I can learn a lot," she said, starting to space out of the conversation somewhat. "Who did you choose?"

He went on to talk about who he was going with, but as much as Reigen tried, she couldn't focus on the conversation.

"Tanaka?" Reigen turned around from her spot on Kaminari's desk, her eyes meeting Tokoyami's.

"Hey, Tokoyami, what's up?"

"Apologies, but I overheard that you'll be interning with Hawks?"

"Yeah, what about you?"

"I'm actually interning there as well."

Her heart leapt. "Wow, really? That's great!"

"Yes, it will be nice to have a fellow classmate there."

"I agree. I think it's gonna be a really good opportunity for both of us."

Tokoyami nodded. "I look forward to working with you."

"Likewise," she said with a smile. She hadn't gotten to talk much with Tokoyami since they'd been in class together-- their only real interactions being when they were paired up for training exercises. She was excited to get to know him better, he seemed like such an interesting person.

sorry for the short chap! just had to add in some filler before the internships :) hope you're enjoying so far! please don't hesitate to comment, it def keeps me motivated to know people are liking the book 

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