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Reigen woke, more than two full days later, in her room in the house she shared with Shouta and Ren. She groaned, her whole body was sore and her head still throbbing. The memories from the sports festival started to come back to her, and she put her head in her hands.

How embarrassing; she had done everything she could and still didn't win against Bakugo. Not only that, but she lost by passing out. In the air.

Her memory was hazy, and she couldn't remember who had stopped her fall. Maybe Midnight? It didn't make much sense, but it was the best she could come up with.

She got out of bed, slowly making her way out the door and into the living room. Shouta looked up at her, lacking the bandages that had covered his face the last time she saw him.

"Hey, kid--"

"Your bandages! They're off?"

He rolled his eyes slightly. "Yeah, Recovery Girl went a little trigger happy on the healing."

"Are you feeling okay?"

He sighed. "I'm fine. How are you feeling?"

She paused, her stomach grumbling right as the silence fell between them. "I'm... Hungry."

Shouta chuckled, standing from his seat and motioning for her to sit down. She didn't bother arguing, knowing he would go off on a whole tangent about being her guardian and letting him do the things that guardians are supposed to do.

"How do you feel about the sports festival?"

Reigen placed her chin in her hand, looking away. "Honestly, pretty embarrassed."

"Embarrassed?" He eyed her as he filled a pot with water.

"I... I don't know. That last round was embarrassing."

"I wouldn't call it embarrassing. You did really well. I do have some notes, but those can wait."

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Notes?"

"Like I said, they can wait. But really, you shouldn't feel embarrassed about how you did."

"Oh, also," curiosity got the best of her as she thought back to the end of her final match. "Who caught me?"

Shouta smirked. "Bakugo."

"Bakugo?" She couldn't believe it. "Wait-- what?"

"Yep," Shouta said, popping the 'p' sound. "And Midoriya and some others seemed to think that he was asking about you in the nurse's office."

Reigen's mouth was agape as Shouta turned to place the pot on the stove and start the water boiling. Really? Bakugo? Her first ever conversation with this boy wasn't even until the sports festival-- and he didn't seem like the type to have any sort of common decency. Maybe she misjudged him?

Shouta and Reigen discussed the rest of the match as he finished making the ramen which they then ate. It was late, Ren was already in bed, and school was starting up again the next day.

After a couple hours of talking, Shouta retired to his room and Reigen did the same. She found her phone on the charger next to her bed, and unplugged it as she scrolled through the missed notifications.

There were a couple texts from Midoriya, one from Todoroki, and quite a few from Shinso. She grinned, clicking on his contact and waiting for the phone to start ringing.

"Hello?" Shinso's voice came from the other end of the phone, sounding low and grumbly.

"Oh, crap. I'm so sorry. Did I wake you up?"

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