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"I don't like him," the man said, scarred skin stretching and wrinkling as he sneered.

"I told you," the girl replied, running her hand through her chin length white hair. The two were walking down an alleyway, through the rain and trying to collect their thoughts. They had been reluctantly admitted to the League, though Rayne was less than happy with this development. "He doesn't care about Stain's ideations. He just wants to destroy as much as possible."

"That's not why I don't like him. I could care less about what he wants."

Rayne rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Please enlighten me then, why don't you like him?"

"He's a child. He acts like a spoiled brat in the body of an adult."

She stopped, poking Dabi in the middle of his back. "You two are similar in that way." The man whipped around at her, blue flames flashing around his eyes as he glared at her. She smirked. "Kidding. You're totally mature, old man."

He relaxed a bit, but he still had a glimmer of anger in his eyes. "I'm not old. You're just fucking young."

Rayne shook her head, her smirk still on her face. It dropped after a moment, as she thought of the implications of joining the League of Villains. "Okay, I know you said you don't like Shigaraki. But, do you trust him?"

"How should I know if I trust him after meeting him one time?"

"I just-- I want to make sure we're on the same page. We've gotten this far on our own. We've been doing well for ourselves. Being a part of the League could potentially end our streak of getting away with shit. Are you okay with that?"

"I don't think it will end anything. Having people with similar ideals on our side could be a big help to get us where we want to be."

"We probably could've gotten closer to our goal had you not been so reckless when it came to cooking innocent people," Rayne muttered, ducking when Dabi went to smack her upside the head.

They both had very similar goals, neither of which had to do anything with their society or heroes. Both were hyper focused on a selfish need for revenge. It was how they truly bonded, and it was how they'd stuck together for all these years.

The cruelty of Rayne's father knew no bounds. It was a bad night when her mother was hospitalized with pneumonia. Genkei was horribly stressed, and that stress translated into anger and frustration when it came to his daughters. Ren was small, so small that he was already in bed by the time their father arrived home for the night.

He was intoxicated, and not just by alcohol. Rayne and Reigen clung to each other, tears streaming down both of their faces as their father went off on a rant about his stresses. How everything would be so much easier if Saki had never had them. How things would be so much easier if they were gone.

Rayne was the first to thrust out her wings, her younger sister following suit. Rayne's throat was grabbed while the other fist connected with Reigen's face.

As soon as the wings were brought into the equation, that was all that Genkei could think of. He began with his eldest, pulling out an old and dull pocket knife, hacking away as the half-conscious girl's screams turned into whimpers. Reigen didn't wake until it was her turn, and she saw her sister lying in a pool of blood on their living room floor.

It wasn't until she was on the verge of losing consciousness herself that something amazing happened. Without meaning to, her quirk was activated. This activation, though, was unlike anything she or anyone around her had seen from her, her sister, or their mother before. Her whole body began to glow gold, specks of light gathering at her skin and drifting off like embers from a fire. Genkei, too distracted by his younger daughter, didn't realize that his eldest was being healed.

Given her age and limited knowledge of her own quirk, she was only able to save her sister from her fatal wounds. However, just this feat was more than Reigen knew she could do even at the age of fifteen. This display of power shocked her father enough to snap him out of his rampage, turning to his eldest daughter and widening his eyes. He was sure he had killed her.

So what did Genkei Saiki do? He cleaned up the scene, took Reigen to the hospital, and left Rayne somewhere he was sure no one would be able to find her. Reigen would wake days later, with no recollection of most of the event-- or the fact that she had an older sister. Rayne had been effectively wiped from the memories of those who loved her.

Rayne, thirteen years old at the time, had woken sore, confused, and alone. She wandered for almost a full day until she came upon a house that seemed to have light emanating from inside. She shuffled to the door, feeling she had nothing more to lose. If whoever lived here killed her, they killed her. Quite honestly, she didn't care.

She knocked with a shaking, stinging hand. "Excuse me?" Her voice came in a weak yipping sound. The door opened, revealing a rather scary looking individual. Rayne didn't flinch, though, thinking she probably couldn't look much better herself.

The man, looking more like an older teenager, stood in the doorway contemplatively. Truthfully, Dabi had been by himself for years. The girl that stood in front of him had obviously been through something brutal, and she was reaching out for help. She was reaching out... To him. How could he say no?

The start of the friendship between Rayne and Dabi began on Dabi's nineteenth birthday. They wouldn't conversate much the first few weeks of being together, but after warming up they would realize how similar they really were. 

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