part three

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Louis woke up the next morning thanks to Harry's stupid hand hitting him right on the nose. "What the fuck," he muttered, rolling over and rubbing his eyes. He looked over at Harry, finding the younger boy yawning and stretching his arms.

"Morning sunshine," Harry said with a smile. His face was puffy and bleary. So Goddamn cute. How did he look so cute when Louis knew he was hungover just like him? Louis probably looked homeless. "Did you sleep well?"

"I did until you woke me up by hitting me on the nose," Louis replied. Harry hummed, laying back down and snuggling up against him again, closing his eyes and mindlessly rubbing Louis' nose as though he was mending it. Louis still wanted to be difficult so he said, "You should get another bed for me so when I sleep over I can sleep in peace."

"Nah," Harry shrugged off, smiling with his eyes still closed. He took his hand away and wrapped it around Louis' waist to pull him closer. Louis laughed and tried to move his hand away because it was tickling him. "You're sleeping right here with me."

And Louis wanted to revel in that. Harry was saying cute, adorable things to him, but he also knew the harsh reality of them and couldn't help but vocalize it. "Until you get married to Peter. The three of us in one bed might be a bit awkward."

Harry stilled and groaned, rolling over. Louis looked at him and noticed him rubbing his eyes again. "You just reminded me, I have to go see him." He turned to the bedside table and picked up his phone, unlocking it for his new messages and notifications.

"Oh," Louis replied. "Alright. I guess I'll see you later, then?"

Harry nodded. "You'll be alright, right?"

Louis laughed. "Yeah. Don't worry. I'll just see if I can bully Liam into making me food before I leave because I know for a fact Zayn and I have nothing at home."

"Sounds good."

Louis decided to stop being lazy and rolling around on a comfortable bed with Harry in favor of food. He got up and picked up his clothes from the night before, feeling a bit dizzy from the sudden movement. There seemed to be some sort of stain on his shirt and he wrinkled his nose at the thought of wearing it again. It had to be done so Louis pulled off Harry's shirt and started wearing his own. It was when he was pulling on his pants that Harry started to laugh.

"What?" Louis asked, looking up at him.

"Do you want my shirt?" he asked. "You've got some yellow shit all over yours."

Louis sighed, looking up at him desperately. "Please."

Harry laughed again, getting out of bed himself to go to the bathroom. "Wear it. I'll put yours in the wash with mine."

"You're an angel," Louis called out to him as he closed the door behind him.

"I know," Harry yelled back. Louis smiled, pulling on his jeans and then checking to see if he'd gotten everything from Harry's room before walking out. He found Liam in the kitchen, drinking coffee and reading the paper.

He looked up when Louis entered and smiled warmly. "Hey, Lou. Didn't know you stayed last night."

"I did," he replied, sitting down across from him and pouring himself some coffee. "When did you get back?"

"Probably after four," Liam replied. "Zayn and I walked out and went to Central Park for a bit, just to get some fresh air and sober up. It worked for the most part, but I still feel a bit queasy."

"Nice idea. Wish I'd thought of that," Louis replied. "Zayn get home okay? I should probably text him."

"Yeah, he texted me last night when he reached your place. Want anything for breakfast?" Liam asked.

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