part thirteen

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It was barely five minutes that Louis dragged his bags up to his apartment and settled in, noticing Zayn wasn't in, that Harry came back and knocked on his door.

"What are you doing here?" Louis asked him, staring at him at the doorway.

"I know you're mad," Harry said in a low voice, walking inside.

"Mad?" Louis asked, closing the door behind him as he followed Harry. "What would I be mad about?"

"Stop asking me, Louis, when you know exactly what I'm talking about," Harry said, throwing his hands up in the air in a frustrated gesture.

Louis gave him a tired look and shook his head. "What are you even--Harry, why are you even here?" Harry gave him a complete look of desperation at that as though he was trying to get something out of his mouth, but he couldn't, so Louis continued. "No, seriously. Why are you here? Shouldn't you be screwing your boyfriend? Got him back, didn't you? It's all you wanted." It sounded a lot more bitter than Louis intended it to, but he couldn't help it.

"Why aren't you yelling at me?" Harry asked him, instead.

"What kind of a twisted question is that?" Louis asked, looking at Harry with an incredulous expression.

"I don't know," he shrugged helplessly. "I just--I know you're angry, so why aren't you yelling at me?"

"I'm not angry," Louis said quickly with a solemn expression. "I'm just trying to figure out what the fuck you're doing. Why are you here?"

"I'm here because I needed to see you," he said quietly.

Louis' lips parted and he turned away from him, trying so hard not to lose his control because fuck him. Fuck him for saying stupid things like that and pulling at Louis' heartstrings, trying to turn him around and not make him mad. It wouldn't work because he was right. Louis was furious, but he didn't want to admit that.

"We just saw each other less than ten minutes ago, so I don't know why you needed to see me after spending all weekend together," Louis reminded him before pausing for a moment. "You should go, Harry. You're obviously tired and we traveled a lot. So, go home and rest, ok? Besides, now that you're back with Peter, you shouldn't be around here too much. We don't want what happened to happen again."

Louis turned to go to his room because he was done. He needed to go to bed and never get out or something. He couldn't stick around with Harry in his apartment much longer.

"Will you stop this?" Harry asked, following him. "Please. Just fucking look at me. I know you're mad, so just yell at me."

And that was the last Louis could handle as he turned back around and glared at Harry. It was like he wanted to pick a fight with him just to get a fucking reaction out of him since he wasn't satisfied with what he got.

"Talk to me, Goddamit," Harry started to yell. "I'm your fucking best friend, not some doormat."

"You want me to yell at you?" Louis asked him. "Fine, I'll fucking yell at you. I'm so fucking done playing your stupid little pretending game, okay? I don't want to be your stupid boyfriend anymore just so you can get back with a complete fucking jackass who treats you like utter shit. He's been nothing but horrible to you, but you can't fucking see that and it's the most infuriating thing ever! There, I yelled at you. Are you happy?"

"Oh," Harry scoffed with faux amusement, raising his eyebrows. "So, you're saying that it's my fault that you're my pretend boyfriend?"

"I never said that. You're just really fucking indecisive and confusing and I'm fucking sick of it."

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