part twelve

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"Mom! Where do you keep the pots and pans?" Harry yelled, searching through several cabinets and closing them when he couldn't find what he was looking for.

"Under the sink," Anne replied, walking into the kitchen moments later. Harry bent down and opened the cabinet under the sink and grinned, taking out the biggest pot. "Are you sure you don't want me to help?"

"No, Mom!" Harry said. "I've already got help!" Anne and Harry turned to look at Louis, who was sitting on the counter, eating chips and texting on his phone. He flashed them a big smile and they snorted, looking back at each other.

"Well, what are you making?" Anne asked.

"Spaghetti and meatballs!" Harry answered excitedly. When they got home from the festival, Harry insisted that he make them dinner tonight as a treat, and Louis was forced to be his assistant even though he couldn't cook for shit. He thought this was a vacation and now Harry wanted him to be slaving away in the kitchen. Ridiculous, really.

"If you need any help," Anne continued. "I'm in the living room. So, just call me."

"Got it," Harry said. "Now get out of my kitchen so I can cook in peace." Louis watched in amusement as Harry literally pushed his mother out of the kitchen even though she was telling him that technically it was her kitchen. He turned back to Louis and pointed his finger at him. "You! Start helping!"

"Why?" Louis asked, groaning as he was pulled off the counter. "I don't like cooking. This is forced labor."

"Too bad, you're doing it," he said to him. "Boil the pasta and I'll get the meatballs ready." Louis would much rather be sitting there and watching Harry cook in his mom's apron full of hearts rather than do actual work. Harry looked sexy in aprons. Not many people could manage to do that. It was insane how Harry could make the most unattractive things attractive.

Louis sighed when he realized he couldn't get out of this and filled up a pot with water before setting it on the stove. He waited while it boiled and looked over at Harry as he rolled the ground beef with his hands. He smiled at Louis cheekily and Louis smiled back.

"What?" he asked him.

"Do you think I can get away with shaping the meatballs like penises?" Harry asked. Louis burst out laughing as Harry picked up a piece to show him. It had a long head and then two little balls on either side.

"You're disgusting!" Louis squeaked, laughing.

"I wanna see you eat this," he said, shoving it towards Louis' face. Louis swatted his hand and the meatball fell out of his hand and onto the floor.

Harry groaned and picked it up. "Thanks for ruining my penis meatball."

"Make more," Louis said then. "I dare you."

Harry gave him his best challenge-accepted face and started rolling the meatballs vigorously into penises. They both got back to their respective jobs and after a while, the spaghetti was boiled and the meatballs were in the oven.

"Get the sauce out," Harry told Louis in a strict, no-play, and all-business voice.

"You get it out," Louis said to him, sitting down on the floor. Cooking was really hard work and all he did was boil water and put the pasta in it, but he was ready for a nap.

"I'm busy," Harry said, leaning against the counter and biting his fingernail, looking anything but busy.

"With what?" Louis scoffed.

"I don't know," Harry said. "Get the sauce out."

Louis rolled his eyes and stood up, walking over to the fridge and opening it up. He found the oregano sauce and took it out before placing it on the counter. They waited in comfortable silence for the oven timer to go off. Once it did, Harry took the platter out and they giggled while putting the penis meatballs on the counter to cool a bit.

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