part fifteen

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Louis woke up to Zayn screaming and his eyes flew wide open in shock. Zayn was standing in front of his bedroom door with one hand covering his eyes as he stood there, trying to figure out if he should run out of the room or jump out the window. That was when Louis realized that he'd just walked in on Louis and Harry, naked and plastered together from spooning all night.


"Oh my God," Zayn kept groaning, muttering something unintelligible as he backed away from the room. "Sorry, guys. I thought Louis was alone."

Louis frowned at him, almost amused by how embarrassed Zayn was. He felt Harry stir behind him, raising his head to look up at Zayn before quickly covering their bodies with the blanket that they'd kicked off in the middle of their sleep.

"It's okay, Z," Louis replied, his voice raspy from sleep. "I'll be out in a few."

"Shit," Zayn muttered as he turned around quickly and walked out of the room. Louis let out another yawn, before turning to look at Harry and found the younger boy smiling down at him.

"Morning," Louis said, a shy smile on his face.

"Good morning," Harry replied, stretching out on the bed and cracking his bones. "Sleep well?"

Louis nodded, almost giddily because there was nothing like a good night of sleep after a good round of sex. "It was good, yeah."

"Yeah," Harry laughed. "It was really good."

Louis looked at him for a moment, wondering if they were going to do anything other than stare at each other and laugh. Last night was something that Louis thought would only happen in his wildest dreams and it happened in real life. He had sex with Harry and it wasn't boring or typical. He'd never had sex like that where he felt so connected with someone that it was insane. There was passion and feelings he never touched upon that surfaced when he was inside of Harry.

And it wouldn't take a genius to figure out that had something changed. Not just between Louis and Harry, but within himself, too. Louis knew he was completely and totally ruined for anyone because no one was ever going to compare to what Harry made him feel. Sex had never felt the way it did with Harry and Louis knew that well by that point.

Harry broke his gaze after a while, turning away from Louis and slowly getting out of bed. "I have class in like an hour," he said. "I've got to get going since finals are coming up and I can't miss it."

"Yeah, sure," Louis said, trying to mask his disappointment. He'd be lying if he didn't want to go for another round, but school came first, as they always said. He watched as Harry pulled on his jeans and t-shirt back before standing awkwardly in front of the bed.

"So, I'll see you around?" he asked.

Louis nodded, giving him a small smile. He almost thought Harry was about to just leave like that, but then he walked around to Louis' side and leaned down to press a soft kiss on his lips. "Bye," he smiled.

"Bye," Louis replied, smiling back, feeling his heart soar up. Once Harry walked out of his room, Louis heard him say something to Zayn before leaving the apartment. Louis then got out of bed and pulled on his boxer briefs before slowly walking out of his bedroom.

Zayn was on the couch eating a bowl of cereal and looked up at Louis, smirking now. "What happened?" he asked.

Louis breathed heavily and plopped down on the couch beside him. "I had the best sex of my life last night."


More than a week passed and Louis didn't hear from Harry since he left the morning after they had sex.

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