part twenty two

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april (harry)

Something was vibrating underneath Harry's ass and it woke him up, jarringly, making him wince at the sunlight seeping in through the curtains. Harry groaned sleepily, rolling over to his side, and onto Louis' body. Louis was lying on his stomach, curled up like a baby hedgehog, and snoring softly with his legs and arms splayed out. Harry decided to ignore the vibrating and let himself fall back asleep, but once it had stopped, it started right back up again.

Harry groaned again, a bit loudly, hoping that whoever was trying to contact him would somehow hear him and just stop trying. He was so fucking tired. It literally felt like every muscle in his body was completely numbed out and sore or something. It hurt to simply turn in bed, let alone try to move around and pull his phone out from wherever it was buried. No, Harry was not going to do that. He was too fucking tired. Surely, the people trying to reach him this early would understand that he'd been busy and needed a lie-in.

Louis and he had had a big night, what with the whole confessing their love and the getting back together and the stumbling into the bedroom to make up for two-and-a-half months worth of missing each other. Harry had literally lost count of what they were doing, how many times they did it, and how long it went on. It was fucking insane and he'd never felt so passionately about someone else in his life. In between the confessions and the solidifying of their relationship, something else that made it that much more real was that they did it without a condom.

It wasn't planned. Neither of them had even realized it until they were about to do it and had forgotten in the heat of the moment. However, despite having realized it, neither did anything stop it because they knew they were safe and clean. That alone felt huge for Harry. It felt more real, more permanent, more like a promise. They'd talked about it sometime during their night and had decided that it was okay and all that mattered was that they were together.

The vibrating stopped after the third buzz, but then started going off again and this time, Harry sat up, letting the duvet fall off his body, and reached around the bed for his phone, grabbing it when he found it near his upper thigh. When he looked at the screen, he swore under his breath with a shake of his head. It was all the boys in a fucking group chat, spamming him with texts.

Niall: What's happening?? Did you do it?

Liam: Quit leaving us in suspense harry

Zayn: Louis isn't responding either, aha. Bet they're fucking. :)


Liam: This is quite exciting i hope its good news for the two of them

Niall: yes pLZ get your SHIT TOGETHER we r all very tired !

Zayn: Do you guys wanna go do lunch? I'm bored. And Pez went to work.

Niall: Sure i think i wanna go get chinese

Liam: me too

The conversation after that was them discussing which Chinese food place they wanted to go to and what they wanted to order because Liam couldn't decide on noodles or rice and Zayn wanted some place that was Halal. Harry put the phone down after shutting it off and lay back down in bed, pulling the duvet up to his chest again. Louis was still asleep, his pupils moving behind his eyelids and Harry wondered what he was dreaming about and whether or not it was a good dream. He smiled fondly at his boy in front of him, stroking his back and scratching at his skin softly until he felt Louis stirring beside him.

"Harry," he murmured sleepily.

"G'morning," Harry smiled softly. Louis peered up at him through sleepy lashes and smiled, scooting over until they were pressed together. Harry giggled, placing kisses on Louis' shoulder and cuddling into him while their legs entangled underneath the blanket.

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