part twenty three

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july (harry)

They say that on the wedding day, all eyes were on the bride. And while Louis' mom looked as beautiful as ever, happily standing next to and newly wedded to Dan, Harry couldn't keep his eyes off of someone else.

Louis stood a few feet away, talking to his little twin sisters and making them giggle, and Harry's eyes kept flickering over to him. He couldn't stop looking at the older boy throughout the entire ceremony or manage to get rid of this longing feeling in his gut to just hold him in his arms for as long as eternity allowed him to. It wasn't just that Louis looked beautiful, which he did stunningly so in his navy blue suit that brought out the color in his eyes, nor was it that Harry was being possessive and was keeping an eye on him so no guy would get the wrong idea.

It was that something clicked for Harry today. The day was big on its own, what with Louis' mom getting remarried and all, but something else felt different within Harry as well.

It had started out seemingly normal, though. Harry and Louis slept in since they'd come in late the night before from the city after work and then had brunch with the whole family. After brunch, the men and the women went their separate ways to get ready for the wedding in their own designated areas at the church. It wasn't until the ceremony had started and Harry had heard Louis' mom's speech for Dan that he figured it out.

Jay started off speaking about her prior husband, Mark and vaguely mentioned Louis' biological dad. She said that they were both great men and with them, she had five beautiful children, who she loved and cherished every day of her life. They were once her best friends and she had genuinely loved them at one point in her life, but it just wasn't meant to be because fate had other plans for her. Jay continued on to talk about meeting Dan after having given up hope for a while. She told them how it changed everything for her and while she didn't think it was quite possible, she had fallen in love again, realizing that this was where she was meant to be all along -- with Dan.

At times first loves could seem like the only love you could have. They were different and not easily forgotten by most people. Some ended up being with their first love forever, but not all. It started to seem a little juvenile and jaded after a while. This was why many people fell in love many times throughout their life. Harry used to think that he'd be with his first love forever, but that was until he met someone else and nothing was the same anymore.

Not only did Harry's love change, but who he was as well. For so long he felt like he was stuck at a dead end in his life, but being with Louis, he felt like he was growing up and evolving every single day. Nothing ever felt juvenile or jaded; every day seemed new and exciting, a little more passionate than the day before. That was how you knew when you had found the one; when they allowed you to be yourself and you weren't feeling trapped all the time.

Louis turned to look at Harry from where he stood, giving him a smile, before turning back around. Not being able to hold himself back any longer, Harry turned to Jay and a few of her friends that he was sitting with. "Excuse me," he said with a polite smile, taking a step back and walking over to Louis.

He didn't notice Harry at first, not until Harry wrapped an arm around Louis' waist. Louis turned to face Harry and smiled. "Hi," he said.

"Hi," Harry smiled back. "Come dance with me."

"No one is really dancing...," he trailed off, looking out at the empty dance floor. While Louis was right because more than half the guests were tired and drinking rather than dancing as they had been earlier, Harry didn't really care.

"Please," he said, kissing the spot next to Louis' ear.

"Won't we look stupid?"

"I don't think so," Harry shrugged. Before Louis could protest again, Harry slowly started to lead him away from the giggling twins, and onto the dance floor. The DJ then started to play "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri, and oh, wow, Harry thought. How fitting. Louis stood in front of him and tentatively put his hands on Harry's shoulder, looking around to see if anyone was staring at them.

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