part seven

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When Liam suggested everyone go to the pub for dinner and drinks to meet his new girlfriend, Sophia, they all agreed. They were all excited, mostly because this was the first time in a while that Liam was serious about someone and he seemed to really like her. Mostly Louis was excited because this was the perfect, most casual surrounding to put his moves on Harry. He never got a chance to after talking to Niall because Harry got busy with tests and school and Louis had work. Then, whenever they did meet, Louis either couldn't strike up the courage to tell him or the opportunity never came about. But now, they were all going out and he could totally do this. He was a little nervous but knew it would go away once he saw Harry's face.

As Louis and Zayn walked over from their Subway stop, Louis nudged Zayn with his shoulder. "When are we going to meet this girl you're seeing then?" he asked him.

Zayn chuckled. "Soon. I haven't really made things official with her yet. I don't even know if she wants to make things official, so I'm treading at this slowly. "

"How come?" Louis asked.

"She's not the serious relationship type," Zayn replied. "She reminds me of you in that sense."

"Should have just dated me, then, Malik. I'd have settled down if it was with you."

"You're funny," Zayn said, nudging him back with a laugh. "So, what's up with you and Harry? He's been staying over an awful lot. You two make spooning look sexual. Anything I should know?"

"Shut up," Louis laughed. "We do not. And nothing is up...yet. Peter and he broke up so I think I might tell him tonight?"

"Seriously?" Zayn asked, his eyes wide with excitement and happiness. "Like, really? Don't fuck with me."

"I'm not!" Louis laughed. "I need to or else I'll go mad knowing that I'd gone all my life without trying at least once."

"This is the best fucking thing I've heard in a long time," Zayn said pulling Louis close to press a kiss on his head. "Honestly. It's about fucking time."

Louis laughed giddily. "That's what Niall said when I told him I'd do it. He was the one who told me to and then I figured why not? You know?"

"Completely," Zayn agreed. "Good luck, man."

"Thanks," Louis smiled, knowing he was going to need it.

They both approached the pub and saw that everyone was already there, drinking and talking. Liam had a pretty brunette on his arm and Louis raised his eyebrows as they made their way over.

"Is this the pretty lady you've fooled into being with you, Li?" Louis asked. Liam shot him a frown and everyone laughed. "I'm Louis, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Sophia," she said with a smile. While Liam introduced Zayn, Louis greeted Niall, Barbara, and Harry, all of whom were at the bar.

"How long have you guys been here?" Louis asked, trying to speak through Harry's tight hold. He had Louis plastered to his chest and nuzzled his nose on his hair, not willing to let go.

Barbara, who was sitting on the stool with Niall beside her, answered, "A few minutes ago. We found Liam and Sophia kissing outside. We were teasing them this entire time. It's too cute."

"So sweet," Niall added. "He's really into her."

"I'm happy for him. Did you hear Zayn's got someone, too? He's been staying at her house and everything," Louis told them.

"We didn't know," Niall frowned. He looked extremely offended as he looked at the rest of them. "What the hell? I'm going to go have a word with him."

They laughed as they watched him go. Harry still hadn't let go of Louis, but something started to vibrate against Louis' upper thigh and he wriggled, squirming in Harry's arms. "I really hope that's your phone."

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