part twenty four

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november (louis)

Louis walked out of his office building, having just finished his slot on air when he noticed him.

Greg was sitting alone on a bench in the park across the street, one leg over the other, with a cigarette between his lips. Louis hadn't seen him at all since their talk at Starbucks all those months ago. He'd often wondered what had happened to him, but he felt like he wasn't allowed to text him to ask after everything that had gone down. It was so cringe-worthy and embarrassing. Louis was aware he'd hurt someone who was only ever good to him and that guilty had still never properly settled in.

A small part of Louis was scared to see him again, so close and right there, but there was also another part of him that wanted to approach Greg. Things were at their worst when they last saw each other, the beginning of the downfall, and now everything was different. Louis felt like a completely different person, having grown up in a lot of ways since he'd last seen Greg. Louis knew if he walked away then he'd always regret it if he didn't at least say something to him now when he had the chance. It was like seeing an old friend who you had once been so close with, but things had fizzled out and you stopped seeing them yet you still thought about them from time to time. That was how Louis felt about Greg and he was curious to see how he was, what he'd been doing, when he'd started smoking.

After all, Louis was lucky that Greg didn't get him fired.

Maybe he didn't completely hate Louis, Louis thought to himself as he slowly made his way over to Greg.

Greg looked up before Louis had even reached him or could say anything and their eyes locked. Panic spread through Louis' entire body, but he willed himself to get a grip and go through with it, even if Greg wasn't smiling at him like he hung the stars as he so often used to. "Hey," Louis said, coming up to him.

"Hi," Greg said slowly, exhaling smoke and looking up at him. "How've you, uh, been?"

"Good," Louis nodded far too eagerly. "Can I sit?"

Greg didn't respond right away and Louis wondered if this was a terrible, terrible mistake. He'd thought it was just one of those situations where people overthought and made a mountain out of a molehill. Like Louis was just being too pessimistic and it was going to be fine and okay if he approached Greg and tried to talk to him. But, no, this was bad. This was downright humiliating.

"Just wanted to talk to you," Louis said, his voice growing smaller as the silence wore on longer than he felt comfortable. Greg put the cigarette back on his lips and nodded. Louis took that as a yes and tried not to breathe an obvious sigh of relief. He had to be quick, though. They weren't here for small talk, that much was for sure. It was way too awkward for that. Louis turned to Greg, studying his profile curiously. "How've you been? Haven't seen you around work that much."

"I'm over in Boston now," he answered. "It's good. I'm good."

"That's good," Louis said, still feeling a little awkward, but less scared. Greg had a guard up, Louis could tell, but he didn't blame him. "You came to visit then? When did you get here?"

"I came for a meeting, yeah. I think I got here, like, two days ago. The meeting is later today, but I'll be here for another week or so."

"Still got your old place?" Louis asked, hoping it was okay that he did. God, they'd spent so much time together there. It felt like a decade ago, even though it really wasn't. It was only a little over a year ago.

"Yeah," Greg replied after a brief pause. "A friend stays there when I'm not here. So, it works out."

Louis nodded again, looking down at his lap. His fingers were stiff and pale due to the cold, November weather. It was silent between them again, a bit longer than the time before, so Louis said the only thing that he could think of at this point. "I'm sorry."

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