part five

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Louis never called Harry back the next day. Harry called the day after and Louis cut the conversation short and hung up. Instead, he focused on Greg. The two of them hung out almost every day for the next week, getting to know each other and making it official after two weeks of dates.

After a few visits to the radio station, Greg managed to somehow get Louis a small slot in another radio station that his company was affiliated with. He'd liked Louis' personality over the radio whenever he'd let Louis talk and he also enjoyed the mixes he helped Greg make before every show to play on the radio. So, he went ahead and spoke to a few guys and gave in a good word, which eventually led to a job offer. Louis accepted without a second thought and after a few short days, he was working and actually enjoying it.

The other boys took him out for celebratory drinks, but after much insisting on his end, they didn't invite Harry. He'd avoided every call Harry sent his way until the younger boy simply stopped trying except for the few stray texts he'd sent. They mostly just said something like i miss you or can i call you? i miss hearing your voice. Louis felt like shit, but for the first time in a long time, his life didn't revolve around Harry. It was unfamiliar and strange, but also rather refreshing, even if at night it did feel like his heart was caving in from how much he missed him.


Louis walked out of Greg's bedroom to the living room, spreading his arms. "I'm ready. How do I look?"

Greg looked up from his seat on the couch and smiled slowly. "Amazing. Literally, the best Peter Pan costume I have ever seen."

Louis laughed softly, twirling around to give him a good look. When he turned back to Greg, he saw him stand up and quickly grab his hat off his head. He held it far above his head and smiled. "Try and get it," he said, teasingly as he backed away from Louis.

"Greg, stop it," Louis said, walking towards him. "Don't use my height against me, you dick. Give it back." Louis laughed before lunging forward towards him to grab the hat, but he only moved further back. Louis shot him a glare and tried again, this time losing his balance.

"Careful now," Greg said, catching him by his waist.

Louis scowled and pushed him off. "I want my hat," he said, crossing his arms.

"Give me a kiss then."

Louis smiled at him before leaning in and pressing his lips against Greg's. It had taken a while to get used to this whole domestic relationship thing that they had going on. The sex was good, commendable for the most part, but Louis was trying to get used to everything else besides it. It was more work than it looked. While they got on as friends, it was still hard for Louis to think of him as a boyfriend. Someone that he was getting serious with.

He pulled back quickly and smirked at him, reaching his hand out. "You got your kiss, Greg, now give me back my hat. I'm going to be late for my party which you aren't going to because you suck."

"I've had plans with my friends for months now," he said to Louis before giving him back his green, pointed hat. Louis adjusted it on top of his head in front of a mirror, making sure his fringe looked good before turning to Greg.

"But it's at Niall and Barbara's. They throw the best parties," Louis said. Greg was back on the couch, browsing on his phone distractedly. "Whatever, I'm going to go now. You dropping me off or what?"

"Yeah," Greg said, still texting. Louis grabbed his coat and slipped on his shoes. By the time he was done, Greg was at the door and off his phone. He gave Louis a small smile before slipping out the door and Louis could feel that something was off. He'd felt it for a few days, but never bothered asking because he didn't know what to say. He didn't know if it was his lack of concern over the issue or if he hated confrontation, but a part of him didn't want to deal with it unless Greg brought it up.

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