Chapter 4 : JYP

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After the lawyer's work was done, they decided to get Haein's belongings from her "home". They both got in his car. He started driving. But she still couldn't get rid of the questions in her head.



"Why are you actually doing this?"

He smiled and replied, "Cause I'm a nice guy who just has a lot of money." His words brought an unwanted smile on her face. He really knew how to make someone laugh.

"It's the first time you smiled since that incident. You should keep smiling like that. It suits you," he commented. "By the way, that just reminded me, Keeho wants to meet us at his restaurant. We talked on phone. I told him what happened," he added. (Keeho, Haein's cousin)

"Oh, alright."

He spoke again after taking my name, "I had a great childhood with great parents and I'm grateful for that. I had a friend who was going through similar things like you but back then, I couldn't help him. One day, he committed the unthinkable. I felt guilty deep inside. When I saw you in that state, when I first heard your voice on the phone, I knew that I couldn't repeat the same mistake again. I can help you, so I will help you."

So after taking all her belongings, they went to meet Keeho. The three sat outside his restaurant.

"Are you okay now?" Keeho asked being concerned.


"Keeho, did you know about all this stuff that was going on?" Chan asked.

"I had a slight idea. But I wasn't in a place to do something. Her parents wouldn't listen to me and things would just get even worst for her. Mom and dad also told me to stay away from their family matters. I'm glad that now she's out from there. I'm sorry for whatever happened."

"No, Keeho. You don't have to be sorry. It wasn't your obligation anyways," Haein said.

"You know, I'm not even surprised by what you're doing, Chan. I've known you enough to know that this is something only you can do," he looked at her and continued, "Chan will take care of you properly I can guarantee that. You don't need to be tensed anymore. And I'm also there if you need anything."

"Thanks, Keeho," she replied.

Just then Chan's phone started ringing. He picked it up, "Hello?" He talked for a while and then hung up. "Keeho, can you stay with her at my place for an hour? I gotta go to the company and deal with some stuff."


Chan dropped Haein with Keeho at his place and went to his company. There he called a meeting with the managers, members and JYP. He told them about everything going on. He didn't get a great reaction from them but he expected it.

"Are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into?" Jinyoung said.

"I know, PD nim. I've given this enough thought. I want to do this," Chan replied.
"Have you thought of the consequences? What will happen when the media finds out?"

"We don't have to let them know right now. Let's keep it a secret. At least till she's an adult. She won't be able to deal with all the hate from the netizens. I also talked to the officials about keeping the whole process private."

"I don't understand why we're making such a fuss about this. I've been supporting a kid too, for almost 10 years now," Lee Know finally spoke up.

"What you're doing is different, Lee Know! You're sponsoring Anas while Chan is literally adopting her!"

"And your point is?" Lee Know questioned back with a raised eyebrow. The old man sighed, "Okay, let's do one thing. I have a friend who runs an NGO. Leave her there. You can go meet her every week. They'll take good care of her."

"No. My decision is full and final. I'm sorry, PD nim but I know this isn't right for her. I don't understand what's the problem. I'm still gonna be working just as I used to work before. It's not gonna negatively impact my work. So what's the issue?"

Most of the members supported him with his decision as they trusted him. A few of them were confused but they didn't protest. They ended the meeting for that day and decided to talk about it later.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now