Chapter 7 : The New Lifestyle

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That very day, they had bought everything Haein needed for her new school. Uniforms, new books etc. She had already missed a lot of classes while the case was going on. There was a huge gap in her study. So Chan also wanted her to start school as soon as possible.

Next morning, Haein got prepared for school. On the breakfast table, Chan told her what she had to do. "So you'll go to school by bus everyday. I'll drop you to the bus stand today but then you'll have to go yourself. After school, come home straight. And here, keep this," he kept a phone infront of her. "It's yours. Call me if anything happens. Also always call me when you come home. Do you remember the door's password?"

"Yes," she replied still listening to him attentively.

"Good. I'll be home at night. But sometimes I might be late. I've kept your food in the fridge. Heat it up in the microwave and eat it. Don't starve yourself," he said as Haein just nodded to everything. "And also, keep this." This time he gave her an envelope.

She opened it and saw cash in it. "What's this for?" She asked.

"It's your monthly allowance. Spend it wisely," he said with a smile.

"I get monthly allowance? Why?" She spoke in disbelief.

"Just in case you need something. And most importantly, study well, okay?"

"I will."

That day, Chan walked her to the bus stand. Haein was really nervous after reaching school. She saw a few celebrity students walking around too. She walked down the hallways looking for her class.

"Excuse me?" She heard a female voice.

"Yes?" She turned to the voice and saw a lady with glasses who she assumed was a teacher.

"You're Ahn Haein? The girl Bang Chan admitted here, right?" She asked with squinted eyes.

Her eyes widen. She was quite surprised cause no one was supposed to know she was related to Chan. "Uh, no, there must be some sort of mistake," she replied.

"Oh no, don't worry. I'm Ms. Hyun. know him. He just called me and asked me to take care of you and help you in case you need."

"Oh," Haein sighed in relief.

"Come, I'll take you to your class." She took her to her class. The bell had already rang so everyone was in the class. Ms. Hyun stood infront of everyone and said, "Students, she's your new classmate. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

Haein bowed to everyone and introduced herself. Ms. Hyun continued speaking after that, " You all must be surprised by seeing a new student at this time but she's here for personal reasons. Please be nice to her if you don't wanna get yourselves in trouble."

Haein sat on a bench next to two girls and Ms. Hyun left. "Hi," one of the girls said sweetly. "Oh hi," she replied in the same manner. So the small talk continued. The two girls were named Sooha and Haneul, who were really nice to me.

"So why did you transfer here at this time of the year? It's already been like 3 months since the academic year started," Sooha asked.

"Uh... I actually recently shifted to a new home. So I had to go to a school that's closer to there," she replied keeping her answers as vague as possible.

The first day wasn't as bad as she thought. Sooha and Haneul became her friends. They exchanged numbers as they said they'd send her notes and stuff that she didn't get.

She went home and did everything as Chan said. She called him immediately after entering the house.

"Hello?" She heard his voice.

"Yeah, Chris, I'm home."

"Was everything fine at school? I was really worried about you."

"Yeah, it was. Everyone was nice."

"Sorry, I'd love to talk to you more but I'm a bit busy. We'll talk after I get home, okay?"


He hung up then. He was a really busy person. But she had no complaints. She took a shower and ate lunch. She finished her studies early that day.

Chan returned home in the evening. She went to the entrance as soon as she heard the door open. "Oh, you're home. How was your day?" Haein asked him politely.

He looked exhausted and was drenched in sweat. "It was good. I'm just a bit tired from the dance practice. I'm just gonna go take a shower and then we can talk."

She nodded. He went to his room straight. Later that night, while having dinner he asked her about her day at school and listened to everything she said attentively. He was exhausted yet he was paying attention to her which she really appreciated.

That's how their days usually went. Haein going to school, him going to work and the same routine. But one thing he made sure was to talk to her every night after getting home. It was a small thing but since she never had any experience like that before, it was huge to her.

And then it was the weekend. Chan was in his room playing on his phone and Haein was studying. She became much more serious about her studies after Chan adopted me. Because she didn't want to burden him more. She wanted to become independent as soon as possible so that he could be free from her responsibilities.

It was hard for her to study by herself. But she couldn't just ask him for a tutor. That'd be another burden on him. Harin couldn't solve a problem so she decided to call Haneul.

"Hello, Haneul? I need a help. Could you help me with chemistry? I'm a bit stuck."

"Sorry, bro. I'm outside right now. Actually my dad takes me out every weekend. So that we can have our father-daughter quality time,"she replied.

"Oh," it did pain her a bit when she told her about her "father-daughter quality time". Her father never did anything like that. So she did often get jealous of kids her age. "I'm sorry to bother you. I hope you're having a nice time with your dad."

Chan was passing by her room when he noticed her talking on her phone. He heard their conversation. After hanging up, she put her head down on the table, sighing. He knocked on the door gaining her attention.

"Oh Chris, come in," she said after sitting properly on her chair.

"You look a bit tensed. You need help with anything?" He spoke as he stepped closer to her study table.

"I'm actually just a bit stuck with chemistry," she hesitantly said.

"Let me help." He brought an extra chair from his room and sat beside her. "It's been a long time since I studied chemistry but I'll see what I can do."

She showed him her book and he started reading it himself first. "Math?" His eyes widen in shock. "Math is the hardest!" He admitted that he sucked at maths. Still he tried his best to help her. After trying to help her, he realized it wasn't going to be possible for him to help her. So he asked, "Do you need a tutor?"

"Oh no, I can manage. I could ask teachers at school for help. You don't need to bother yourself. You've already done so much."

"Hey, I told you if you need something, you don't need to hesitate while asking for it. I'll see what I can do." In the end, Chan suggested getting an online tutor because she was mostly alone at home so it wouldn't be safe for a tutor to come and teach her then. She also agreed to it.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now