Chapter 27 : Major OCD

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Next morning, Chan was loading his luggage in his manager's car ready to leave for the airport. The kids helped as well. Haein was the quietest that morning, roaming around Chan quietly most of the time. Unusually, at this day, the kids were very organised, doing everything properly without whining.

"There. The last one," Changbin said as he dusted his hands after loading the last suitcase in the car.

Chan turned to the kids to bid them the final farewell, "I want you guys to be on your best behaviours. Don't trouble your guest. Make sure she's well fed. And by well fed, I don't mean instant ramen 4 times a day. Feed her proper food. Minho, that's your responsibility." Minho nodded reassuring him. Chan then looked at Haein who already looked like she would burst out crying anytime. "Hey, look, I'm gonna be back before you know it. I wish I could take you with me too but you know my reasons. But someday, I promise I'll take you to Australia myself. I'm gonna be calling you everyday. Don't miss me too much, okay?"

Haein, no longer being able to hold in her emotions, burst out crying as she tightly embraced Chan out of nowhere. Chan felt a pang in his heart too. He caressed her head to soothe her.

"Inah, tell me, what do you want me to bring you from Australia?" He said in an attempt to divert her attention to something else.

Haein controlled herself pulling away from him. She took his hand and tied the scrunchie she had on her wrist on his one. "This is my lucky scrunchie. Sana gave it to me. It'll protect you. Just bring it back safely with you. That's all I want." Chan's heart couldn't help but swell up at the adorable gesture.

"Oh this will come in handy," Chan said with a bit of humor in his tone as he observed the pink silk scrunchie on his wrist. "Thank you, Inah." He grabbed a bunch of his hair from the front and tied it into a ponytail with Haein's lucky scrunchie. "How does it look?" He pointed at it with an innocent smile.

"You look ridiculous," Haein couldn't help but laugh a little while still crying. She embraced him again still not ready to let go.

"Inah, don't cry. I can't leave seeing your crying face. I'm not going away forever," Chan leaned down to her level talking in the most comforting voice.

"I'm not crying because you're leaving. I'm crying because you're leaving me with seven stinky men," Haein said defying her vulnerability towards him making him chuckle.

"Hey! That's just a ridiculously false accusation," Hyunjin defensively spoke as Felix tried to calm him.

"I assure you they'll maintain themselves better. And if they don't, you can always complain to me. I'll beat their asses when I come back." Chan then whispered in her ear, "And just in case, there's a fire extinguisher under the bed, an gas mask in the cupboard and an axe under the staircase."

"Chris, you're scaring me. Why do you have all that in your room? Will I make it alive through these two weeks?" Haein spoke with concern in her voice. A loud honking sound suddenly caught their attention.

"It's getting pretty late now! You're gonna miss the flight," Chan's manager yelled from the car.

"You heard him. Gotta go. No more crying, okay?" Chan wiped her tears as she nodded and flashed the best smile she could. As Chan got into the car, all of them just stood there staring at him till the car was out of sight.


Once Chan was gone from the dorms, Haein noticed the kids' real chaotic side. They started screaming, fighting, running around like wild animals. Haein could only pray for her safety and sanity. She realised the fire extinguisher, gas mask and axe really might be necessary for her survival in the dorms.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now