Chapter 8 : A Day Out

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A/n : This story has been under major editing. But the overall story isn't changed. Now everything is in 3rd person POV and the girl has a name, Tan Haein. That's it.

It had been a few weeks since Haein started going to school. Everything was going just fine. She was slowly starting to love the new lifestyle. It was everything she could ever wish for. Chan was the best friend she could ever have. One of the most surprising things he did was taking her to a therapist.

"Chris, why are we here?" She asked as she looked around the therapist's office. She had no idea what was happening back then. They were sitting in the office waiting for the therapist to come.

"You need to move on from your past trauma. The therapist will help you with that. Trust me on this one too. It's for your own good," he reassuringly held her hand.

The therapist came soon and sat on her chair. She was a woman probably in her late twenties or early thirties. "Sorry to keep you waiting," she apologized.

"No, no, it's fine. So this is Haein, who I was talking about earlier," Chan pointed towards her.

"Hello," Haein greeted her and she greeted her back.

"I'll be waiting outside. You talk to her," he said to her as he got up from the chair. She held his hand and wanted to stop him but he gently removed her hand from his. And he left. She still kept looking at the door hoping for him to come back.

"So, let's start. I'm Ms. Jung. Mr. Bang has already told me about your situation but I still want to hear it all from you. No need to be hesitant with me. Whatever you share here will stay confidential, even Mr. Bang won't know about it."

"Okay..." Haein started sharing her story with her. Ms. Jung was a nice person. She listened to everything Haein said carefully and gave advice to cope up with things. Haein felt much better after talking to her. When the session was over, she escorted her to the door. She saw Chan sitting infront of the office.

"Mr. Bang? We're done. She's not in the best condition right now but as time goes by I hope she'll change for the better," she spoke with a smile.

"Thank you, Ms. Jung," he lightly bowed at her.

"My pleasure," Ms. Jung went back inside her office.

They started walking towards the elevator. "So, how'd it go?" He asked.

"I feel much better now. Thank you for bringing me here," she replied smiling. And from that day, she started getting therapy. She had weekly sessions with the therapist. And it was slowly working too.


It was Wednesday. School was over. Haein was leaving school with Sooha and Haneul while chatting with them. They were some of the last ones to leave the building.

As they got closer to the school gate, Haein noticed a familiar black car. After getting a bit more close, she saw Chan sitting in the car. He was wearing a cap and a mask but she could still recognize him. He waved at her. She was surprised to see him all of a sudden but she felt happy too.

"Guys, you two go without me today. My... dad's here to pick me up," Haein said.

"Oh, is that your dad's car?" Sooha pointed at Chan's car.

"Yeah, I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Bye," she said and she ran to his car. Thankfully the girls didn't suspect anything.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at work?" She asked him while still standing outside the car.

Adoption (Gone Wrong) » Bang Chan FFWhere stories live. Discover now