Chapter 10 : Chan's struggles as a single father

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After that day, Haein became much more comfortable with him. The little bit of hesitation she had was long gone. Now she could openly share anything with him. But this night she had an emergency and was a bit hesitant to talk to him.

"Chris..." Haein said while she stood infront of his room. He was sitting on his bed working on his laptop.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked as he lifted his gaze from the laptop.

Haein gulped, "We need to go to the store right now. It's an emergency."

"What happened?" He asked with a worried face.

"It's an emergency!" She blankly stared at him with widen eyes.

He seemed to get the hint. His eyes widen on the realization. He quickly got off his bed and grabbed his wallet. "Let's go right now." 


They were now standing infront of the women's sanitary products section at the supermarket, looking at all the things kept on the shelves. 

"So... which one do you want?" He asked turning his head towards her.

Haein herself was confused looking at the products kept there. She had never seen so many options in my life. "I don't know. Usually my mom bought that stuff for me. I have no idea how these things work." Haein started panicking and shaking her legs tapping the floor. Haein had ran out of her stash of pads last month. But she had completely forgotten about buying new ones. So when her periods came, she had nothing this time. Since she didn't have pads, she had bunched up a lot of tissues to save her for the time being. But she knew the tissues would soon start leaking.

"Oh no! What do we do?!" Chan also started to panic. It was night time so there wasn't anyone in the store apart from the receptionist. So they couldn't even ask anyone for help.

"I don't know!" Haein also shook her head.

"Fuck it!" He accidentally cursed being frustrated. "Let's take one from everything!"

"Mhmm," Haein rapidly nodded. Chan went to the left side of the shelf, while Haein went to the right. They started grabbing every type of pad possible without even bothering to look at them. They put everything in the shopping cart.

Haein looked at the shopping cart and it was half full. But Chan was still taking more and more pads. "Chris, are you sure we need all that? I think this is enough."

"No, we can't risk it! We need to take everything!" He was mad serious about it. So she also went back to taking more pads. Soon the cart was full.

Haein saw him trying to reach at a packet which was kept on a higher level of the shelf. "Chris, leave it. We have enough. We need to get home quickly," she said to stop him.

They quickly ran to the reception with the cart and put everything infront of the receptionist. They were both panting from all the rushing.

"We'd like to take all of this please," Chan said with a gentle smile.

The receptionist was giving them a weird look clearly judging them. But there was no time for embarrassment. The receptionist scanned everything and put it all in a plastic bag. Chan payed the bill and they left.

At home, Haein finally started looking at everything they bought. She layed everything on the dining table. She still had no idea about which pad to use. There long pads, thick pads, thin pads, night pads, scented pads and what not. She asked him about it again, "Hey Chris, which one should I use now?"

"Uhmm... I don't know..." he took a packet of pads from her and started reading the instructions. "It says, it's for regular flow...?"

"But I have a heavy flow..."

"Then maybe... use this one?" He extended a packet of night pads. "I mean it is night time right now so..."

"Okay," Haein said and quickly went to the bathroom to change. When she came out, she saw him still standing in the same place doing something on his phone.

"How do you feel?" He asked.

"I feel... okay, I guess."

"Good. Keep all of this stuff to your room now. I'm going to my room," he said and went to his room as he kept looking at his phone. She picked everything from the dining table and went to her room.

Few minutes later, Haein heard his voice at her door," Haein?" She was currently on her phone. She kept it on the night stand and put all her attention on him. He came inside and sat infront of her on her bed.

"Bring all of the pads we bought," he said. She didn't question him and did as she was told. She sat back in her previous position.

"So I just did some research. And I'm gonna tell you what I found." He took a packet of maxi pads and continued, "This one is for heavy flow. You should use this on your first and second day. For the third or fourth day, you should use these," he kept the maxi pads and picked up regular sized pads. "And for the last few days, when the flow is less, you should use these." This time he showed some panty-liners.

"Ah... now I get it," Haein slowly nodded. "Thank you. I'll remember this from now on."

He smiled, "You're welcome. And if you need help with anything else, just let me know." All of a sudden, Haein started to tear up for no reason. He got worried seeing her like that. "What happened?"

"Don't mind me. I'm just... I'm just melting. How can you be so nice?!" A few tears rolled down her cheeks panicking Chan even more. He couldn't figure our what to do to stop her from crying. If there was a proper reason for her crying, he could've comforted her. But now she was just crying without giving him a proper reason which made it hard for him to help her. He held her shoulders to calm her down but she kept her head on his chest crying further. Chan just caressed her hair waiting for her to calm down on herself. Soon enough, she stopped crying and lifted her head from Chan's chest.

"I'm sorry, I just get a bit emotional sometimes," Haein wiped her face with the sleeve of her hoodie.

"No, it's fine. Whenever you feel like you need to let your emotions out, you can always come to me. I'll listen and comfort you as much as I can. Alright?" He said and she nodded. "Now let's go have dinner. It's getting late." Haein nodded again. They got up and went to have dinner.

The following week, Haein dealt with her periods. She never had way too much physical pain but her mood swings were crazy. She would often break down for no reason. Chan always handled the situation perfectly. Chan knew it was all a part of this whole responsibility he took. So he was glad to deal with it.

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