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*Here's a pic of Carter Patterson*

February 3rd, 2038


Well, I might as well get the day started since I don't have the urge to go back to sleep after what just happened!

God damn it! Why must I have to go through this every single day of my life?

Maybe if my boss wasn't so damn fine and hot, I could go and get work done. But no, thanks to him, I have to endure the torture that I go through at work.

I'm not mad at him, oh no. But I'm mad at myself! If I wasn't a eye-fucking him all of the time. And drooling over him and his body.

Then like I said before. I could get some work done!

And no, none of the stuff that happened in my dream was accurate except for the part where I talked about the positives and the negatives of working as a civil engineer.

And me having my own office.

But that's it. Oh, remember how I said everyone is respectful to me? Well ok...that's kind of true. But most of the time, no one ever talks to me.

They respect me...but don't talk to me that much.

Whenever I start a conversation of some sort, things get awkward, people get uncomfortable, or they give me the cold shoulder.

Sure, some have small talk with me. But, you know what?

Maybe I'm just socially awkward! But who knows, maybe I'm just flat-out weird, and I don't know it.

But, I also think...maybe this is a sign that I can't have a lover if I can't talk to someone and have them talk to me where they feel comfortable around me.

Then I think I won't even bother looking for a chance me being in a relationship.

And besides, the guy I'm dreaming and crushing on.

Is probably not gay!

I mean, even if he was. I probably doubt that he would ever...EVER! Date a person like me. I mean, look at me! I'm a socially awkward, mentally unstable, eye-fucking freak!

Not once have I ever not crushed on him whenever we are around each other.

I mean, if he finds out.

He's either one, going to fire me.

Two, going to fire me.


Can you imagine what the future would be like if he went to the third option?

He's the founder and head of this company. And I'm probably going to be an unemployed man. Who had money but won't last for long.

So, you can all imagine what comes next. Cuz, I'm not gonna.

I need to stop ranting and get ready for work! I can afford to be late again this week, for this will be my third time if I don't get a move on!

I look out the window, the sun is just about to pop out from the horizon. The sky was this purplish-blue color.

Thanks to my apartment, I can have a clear view of the sky and some of the city below.

I got out of bed, stretched, and walked to my kitchen.

What? I can do the bathroom business after I have my damn coffee. As they say, a morning doesn't start without your daily dose of caffeine.

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