18- snake

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We were back in the Akatsuki headquarters and Kakuzu disappeared to his room the second we set a foot inside. I felt Hidan's arm pulling me closer to him by my waist and felt his hot breath in my ear " we're finally alone" "ha, you wish" I pulled out a kunai and stabbed him in the chest.

He fell to the ground and walked away but before turning a corner I heard him grunt "I told you that you can't kill me pretty girl" I turned around and he was smirking at me "I know and by the way" I watched him getting up and dusting off his pants "your roommate is Kakuzu" and left.


I was too stunned to speak "WHAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!!!!!"


I was walking to the common room to get something to eat when I saw Orochimaru talking with Itachi, well it was mostly Orochimaru doing the talk. "let me know if you change your mind Itachi"  They must have sensed my chakra.

Orochimaru walked past me but stopped in front of the door "same goes to you Ukiyo" a shiver went down my spine and I knew that he noticed it by the scoff he made after he closed the door.

Itachi was looking at me emotionless as always. We both acted as if Orochimaru was never here.

I walked to the my cabinet to grab some snacks but when I opened it was empty. I closed it again and opened again but it was still empty "The snacks aren't going to appear magically after closing it and opening it" I forgot that he was here. I turned to him and furrowed my brows "It was full yesterday" He was sat at the table facing me, he took a sip of the cup that he had on his left hand "you sure?" I crossed my arms over my chest "yes, I am a 100% sure" he got up and put the cup on the sink next to me "then someone must have stole it"

He left me alone while I was thinking who could it be when suddenly Tobi walked through the door. He jumped at me hugging me and pulling me up  by the waist and squeezing his head to my chest "Uki-chan I missed youuuu!" I pat him in the head "I wasn't out that long and pull me down I can't breathe" he put me down but he was still hugging me but this time it was my head to his chest. I could smell his strong  scent "It felt as if you were gone for months" I pulled away from his chest a little still with his hands on my waist "well I wasn't" I took his hands from me but he rested his head on my shoulder "seriously?! this man always has to have a part of him touching me" "what are you doing" I literally forgot that I was thinking of whom took my snacks and that's when I saw  a snack envelope poking out of his cloak I slowly put my arms around him and whispered milimetres away from his ear.


I felt a killing aura around, I tried to straighten my back but I couldn't and felt her hot breath in my ear "did you eat all of my snacks" I stood there paralyzed "I'm going to die" I started to laugh "what are you talking about hahahah" "then what is that thing poking out of your pocket?" at this point I knew that I was going to die so I felt to my knees and hugged her feet "Uki-chan It wasn't me"


He was crying at my feet "then who was it" he stopped a second to think "eh it wa- " "get up" he did as I said, I took the snack oy of his pocket and started to eat it "Uki-chan are you mad?" I ignored him "Uki-chan?" "why should I be?" I eyed him "because Tobi ate your snacks" I smirked at him and I saw his shoulders tense "So it was you?" he started to panic and  waving his hands in front of me "but but I helped you   buy it an-" "And?" "I thought that I could eat some" I glared at him and he went back to his knees and cried "please Uki-chan I thought that you were going to be out for long and the snacks would have gone bad" "I was only a day out and you ate them all in that day" he got up and shook me by the shoulders "I'll make it up to you" I raised my eyebrow "how?" before he could answer I was already walking out of the common room "wait Uki-chan" He trailed after me until we reached my room. I opened the door and went inside, Tobi was still outside waiting "aren't you going to come in?" he nodded eagerly and went inside.

I took off my cloak while he stood there not knowing what to do. I walked at him and put my hand on the back of his neck and traced my finger along his jaw down to his neck and finally to his chest, I felt his breath quicken. I gazed at him through my eyelashes and pushed him gently to sit on the bed. I sat on top of him making sure that my ass was pressed against his bulge, I started to brush my lips along his neck and I felt his hands going to my hips trying to make some friction but I took his hands and held them to his sides. I kept doing so until I reached his jaw. I took of his mask to see a blushing Obito he was looking at me with pleading eyes knowing them well what I was going. I inched my lips closer to him until they were almost touching  he closed his eyes but the kiss never came.

I got up from him "that is your punishment" I heard him whine "Ukiyooooo you can't do that to meeee" I went to the drawers and took my pj out and walked to the bathroom to change "Oh yes darling I can" i closed the door behind me.


She left me alone with my pants that were going to burst from the tightness. "she is going to pay for this".

She walked out the door wearing my t-shirt that barely covered her ass and I felt my pants tightening  more. She was wearing  black panties that hugged her ass perfectly and I knew that she wasn't wearing any bra under that t-shirt as her nipples were poking thru it. 

She walked to the bed ignoring me and went under the covers "Ukiyooo come on you can't leave me like this" I tried going under the covers but she threw a kick to my chest "don't you dare after what you did" she glared at me "I only ate your snacks" she turned so that her back was facing me "exactly so you are going to sleep on the floor"  I knew that she will  eventually give in so I layed on the floor. "can I at least have a pillow? please" she threw me a pillow to the face "thanks" she didn't respond back and after I while I saw her turning to me "Uki-chan is cold can I have a blanket?" I saw her move a little and pulling up the covers "come in" I went inside the cover and hugged her "I knew that you couldn't resist me" "shut up"


But he was right. I turned so that my back was pressed against his chest and I felt his friend poking my butt. He started to move his hands down my belly and rested them above my panties squishing a little the flesh. Obito started to nibble my ear bole and whispered in a seductive tone "you need to keep going were you left" I couldn't say anything back, I felt my body getting warmer and warmer as he trailed kisses down my neck until he felt me squirm when he reached a spot "stop"  I felt him smirk against my neck and kept attacking that spot "I don't like it when you touch my neck" he stopped "your mouth says that but your body says otherwise" the hand that was above my panties went between my thighs "you are soaking wet only with these kisses"  he started massaging through the panties and my hand went to his wrist "Obito please" his other hand went under my shirt and he started to massage my breast  "not wearing a bra? you knew that this was going to happen didn't you little slut?" "please" he took off his hand from between my thighs and  he grabbed me by my chin making me face him. 

His finger were wet from my fluids and he was looking at me with lust in his eyes. Obito crashed his lips to mine and kissed me as if he didn't eat in months which he did. I felt his tongue touching every part of my mouth and he pulled apart with a string of saliva connecting us.  He took of his clothes and sat me on top of him "okay your turn, keep doing what you were doing" I looked at him "what? now you are all shy? or do you want me to help you?"  I nodded and his hand went to my panties pulling them at a side "I need words baby" I put my head in the crook of his neck and whispered "Obito, fuck me please" "as you wish" and his length went all inside of me in one movement.  

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