4- Mission

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I woke up the next day very excited, I was finally going outside, so I went to the bathroom to get ready and went I got outside I saw 3 anbu and one said "You are going to be in our team today, I am Ren, the one with the bear mask is Jun and the one  that is next to him is Tora" I didn't say anything, I continued to stare at them "oi REn, are you sure that this kid can keep up with us?, she is going to get herself killed" said Jun "I think she is going to keep with us and even surpass us" said REn, "why  is that?" asked Tora, "because she has been trained by Danzo himself" Jun and Tora looked at my, I could sense that they were surprised. "Okey, lets go we have to take care of a group of ninja from the land of lightning that stole crucial information about Konoha"

We were walking until I felt my face hit with something "hey kid, look where are you going" I collided with Jun, I walked past him without saying anything, "oi, at least say something" I kept walking past the other two anbu until I reach a door that opened and revealed the outside.

I could see a lot of trees and bushes It felt so weird to see some colors, I stepped outside but I couldn't open my eyes due to the light "hey kid, open your eyes before you get killed, remember that you are on a mission" said Ren. After trying multiple times I opened my eyes, and after they adjusted to the light I realized that the trees and bushes that I saw were  even brighter than before, I looked up at the blue sky and everywhere that I could; Jun was starting to get annoyed and said "You look like it's your first time outside" which I answered, "It is" they all asked at the same time, "how old are you"  "six years old" I said. They looked shocked to hear my age, they would have thought that at least I was 10. "Okey, let's get going, they left the village yesterday  at noon so if we are fast enough we will catch up in a few hours" said Ren.

After running for about 3 hours we stopped to catch some breath and Tora asked "Aren't you tired kid?" In fact, I was, my legs were shaking and I couldn't almost breath but if I told them the truth I won't go on other mission so I straightened my back and with no emotion said "I don't get tired" "She has been trained to be a weapon Tora, of course she isn't tired" said Jun. "Okay so if no one is tired let's keep going, I can sense a group of people ahead" 

Ren was right, there was a group of shinobi wearing black cloaks. Tora signaled to stay alert and to hide up in the trees, but the other ninjas sensed us and stopped at a fighting stance. There were 5 ninja, I couldn't see their faces because they were covered by a hood. Jun and Tora went down and started fighting and while I was looking I noticed that two of them went out of sight  and that is when I turned and saw a kunai flying to me. I was fast enough to dogged it and jump to another branch.

In front of we was one of the missing ninjas, that's when I realized that I was separated from the team. "Aren't you too young to be fighting skilled shinobi?" asked the guy, I didn't respond, instead i activated my sharingan and disappeared. "Kid don't hide" but what he didn't know was that I was right behind him ready to cut his throat "HoW DId YOu Do it?!?!" he asked panicking, he wanted to say something more but I didn't let him. 

After killing the shinobi I went to look for the rest of the team only to find Jun holding an injured Tora while hiding from the other ninja. I went to him and asked "where is Ren" he told me that he lost sight of him while fighting dose 3 ninja, then I asked "how many are there alive?" "and why are you hiding?" he told me that the one that was looking for them and he also pointed to his leg, I didn't realize that he was missing half of it. 

Just as I was about to head out of the bushes I saw the last shinobi running away so I went after him and started doing hand signs "KATON GOUKAKYUU NO JUTSU" and an immense fireball went to him, it was so strong that he tried to protect himself with a water wall but it was in vain.

After that, Rem appeared behind me giving me a pat on my head "good job kid" and then we headed back to treat Jun's an Tora's wounds. thankfully Ren knows medical ninjutsu so he treated the severe ones.

It was the next day when we returned, Tora and Jun were taken in by medical ninja so Ren and I headed back to the anbu headquarters. "I have been thinking that you know our "names" but we never asked yours" "Ukiyo" "mhmh?" "Uchiha Ukiyo" I said louder 


I was doing some paperwork when i heard a knocked on the door  "come in", when I looked up I saw Ukiyo with an anbu. "How did it go?" "the mission was a success, we killed all the lightning shinobi although Jun and Tora have some injuries but that's it" "and Ukiyo?" I asked looking at the girl "She killed 2 of the 5 shinobis without a scratch" said Ren. Ukiyo didn't say a word she only stared at we emotionless and I thought "good, she already looks like a weapon"  "okay, dismissed" "yes sir" I watched them as they head out.


After saying my goodbyes to Ren I went to my room and when I closed the door I collapsed on the ground, I was shaking I couldn't handle it anymore, I killed someone I didn't know. "You know if Danzo sees you right know he would beat you up" I looked up and saw an anbu sitting in front of me, I was so deep in my thoughts that i didn't realized that he was there. I opened my mouth to say something but speaked "It's normal to feel that way after killing your first person, but it won't be your last so if you want to become a shinobi you need to get rid of those emotions" I nodded and went straight to bed, I needed to rest. 

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