Meeting for the first time <Fluff>

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The boys decided to go to Run of the Mill Pizza, aka Señor Hueso's pizza place, to celebrate defeating a Villian. It wasn't a big crime they solved, but they haven't been out in a while and thought they should treat themselves.

They walked through the portal into the restaurant, almost immediately being greeted by Señor Hueso.

"Hello boys, here for your usuals?" Mikey pushed through the taller three to present himself in the front. "Actually, we heard you have a new special, and we'd like to try that! Except Donnie, so we'll have-" Hueso cut them off. "Yeah I don't care. I'm not your waiter. Follow me."

He lead them towards a booth and sat them down. He let them know their wait time and left to the front as another couple came in.

The boys talked around for a few minutes before they heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Hello, my name is Usagi and I will be your waiter today, what can I get started for you?" Mikey started spewing their order followed by the others with their drink orders.

But Leo didn't answer for a minute. He was stunned. He was looking over Usagi's features. He thought the other was gorgeous.

"Uh, I'll take a- a water, please." Usagi finished jotting on his notepad then quickly shut it. "Alright! That'll be out shortly for you!" He shot a wink at Leo then quickly turned and returned to the kitchen.

Leo's face flushed and he quickly averted his eyes back to the table. Only to find everyone staring at him.


"What? What! What do you mean, 'what?' You're totally head over heels for him!" Mikey blurting out, quick loudly might I add, making Leo's face burn red. "Mikey shut up!"

He hid his face in his hands and slid into the seat a little bit.

"Come on, Mikey. Let's not tease him. You didn't like it when he teased you about your crush on-" Ralph was instantly silenced by the, now embarrassed teen. "Shush, Ralphie! You promised to never bring that up!" Ralph laughed and put his hands up in surrender.

Donnie was currently busy typing away in the tech on his arm. Doing god knows what.

"Hey, DonTron, whatcha doin?" Leo lied dramatically over his lap. Donnie sat his hand on Leo's face, covering his eyes and sighing, loudly. "Well, my friend. I was currently hacking into the restaurants system to get you the waiters number. Thought you'd appreciate it."

Leo shot up and softly pushed Donnie. "Oh my god, you did not." He was answered with a grin, making him groan embarrassingly.

Usagi was waiting for the fours food, while his friends taunted him.

"Oh my god, please lose it." One of his friends giggled. "He likes youu! It's cute, don't be so embarrassed." Another one of his friends handed him a piece of paper. "Give this to him, it's your number." He huffed and grabbed their platters, and the paper, and started making his way through the restaurant.

He sat the pizzas down on the table, and slyly slid the paper in front of the Turtle that he 'eavesdropped' and learned was named Leo. Or some form of Leo.

Leo noticed the paper but when he looked back Usagi was walking through the door into the kitchen. He looked back down at the paper and unfolded it, face tinting red when he read it.

'(239) ***-****) call me ;)'

He immediately folded it back up and shoved it in between the strap and the front part of his shell.

"What was that, Nardo? Hm?" The other three were staring at him smugly as he sunk farther into his seat. "Nothing! Really. Just like a scrap piece of paper that he dropped, no big deal. It isn't a big deal, so why are you asking me about it, because it isn't a big deal." Leo tends to ramble when he gets nervous, so they obviously knew something was up.

"Uh huh. Suuureee Mr. Iminloveiwthmywaiterandcanttellhimbecauseimtoomuchofawuss." Mikey quickly said, barley able to make out. (Mr. Im in love with my waiter and can't tell him because I'm too much of a wuss.)

Leo groaned into his hands. But it quickly turned into a shy smile as he thought of the waiter. He had noticed his name tag said 'Usagi' on it. So that was probably his name.

He subconsciously started swaying his feet under the table as he pushed himself forwards and started eating a slice of pizza.

They were definitely going to get along.


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