Krang. <Angst>

451 14 41

Literally started crying and throwing up while writing this

Leo ran hurriedly through the debris of what used to be New York. He could hear a faint ringing and his heart beating quickly. Donnie, Mikey, and Casey retreated and were thinking of a new plan, but Leo couldn't leave Usagi out there by himself. So he left.

He felt his body go numb when he heard a familiar scream. He quickly turned his head in the direction and seen Usagi propped up against a wall, it seemed he got away from whatever was keeping him down, but was bleeding like crazy.

Leo rushed over to him and sat down next to him, holding the rabbits face in his hands.

"Usagi! Open your eyes! Please stay awake!" Usagi looked up at him dizzily. "BlueBell?" Leo tried blinking the tears out of his eyes, but the more he blinked the more that came back. "Yes! Yes, it's me, Sagi! Please don't fall asleep, okay? Can you do that?" He got no answer. He rubbed his face to get rid of the tears, which helped a little bit, but he still couldn't see a lot.

Leo wrapped his arm under Usagi's legs and kept his other hand pressed firmly against his back.

"You're going to be okay! Just breath!" Leo grunted and started running back to their shelter.

But of course, they wouldn't go unnoticed.

Leo whipped his head around at a loud sound. One of the Krang's robots spotted them and were following close behind. He quickly looked around to find anything to hide behind.

It wasn't long before he spotted a broken down wall and ran to it. He sat Usagi down next to it and pulled out his tPhone, trying to get a receiver to contact Donnie.

He fumbled with the object hurriedly. Panic flowing through his veins. But he calmed down and looked over when Usagi placed a hand on his arm.

"BlueBell, stop. We both won't be able to make it back." Leo blinked tears away. "Don't say that, I'm getting you back and you're going to be okay." He continued slamming his hand against the Phone, trying to get it to work. Usagi leaned forwards and grabbed it from his hands.

"BlueBell. Go." Leo felt his whole world crashing down. "What?" Usagi leaned forwards and pressed his bloodied lips against Leo's chapped ones. "Go. Please. I want to die knowing you're safe." Leo looked at him in fear. "Sagi, I'm going to get you back. You're not going to die. I can't let you die!"

Leo watched as Usagi reached into his pocket and pulled out a small red velvety box and placed it gently in his hands. "I was waiting till the apocalypse was over, but I don't think I'll make it. So here." The turtle looked at it with curiosity and hesitantly opened it.

His eyes widened and tears flooded his eyes again. Inside the small box, was two golden wedding rings. He looked at Usagi who was looking at him the best he could, but it was obvious he wasn't going to last five minutes.

Leo stared at the box for another minute. Oh how he regrets that. Because the next time he looks up Usagi's eyes were half lidded and dull. His chest stopped moving and you couldn't hear his breathing no more. Leo covered his mouth and rested his hand on the rabbits chest.

He was sure now.

Leonardo held his lover tightly in his arms. He stayed quiet behind the wall but sobbed. He couldn't control his sounds, or tears.

Soon enough, a Krang robot started stomping closer and closer. Leo couldn't bare to part with his lover. He tried to wipe his face, he tried to get one more clear look at his face.

But the robots came too quickly. He pressed a quick kiss to Usagi's cheek and untied his bandana. He held the two objects close to him and stood up. He stared at him carelessly for another minute or two, before his body moved on its own an he started rubbing back to the bunker.

"Donnie, what if Leo dies? How will we know he's dead and not just stranded?" Donnie sighed and rubbed his temples. "I don't know, Michael. But please stop talking about Casey's dad dying right in front of him." Mikey apologized and stayed silent on the blankets on the floor.

"Hey, case? Why don't we draw?" Casey smiled at him and nodded. Mikey placed two pieces of paper in front of them and poured some crayons on the floor. He picked one up and started drawing a sky. "Back when I was your age, the sky was a beautiful blue. And there was grass that grew beautiful flowers of all colors."

Casey gasped. "Even green?" Mikey smiled at him. "Even green." Casey awed in amazement. "Will I ever see it, Mikey?" Mikey slightly grimaced and looked over at Donnie.

He heard a scoff then footsteps. "Come on Casey, it's time for bed." Be helped him up and ushered him into the other room to sleep. "But Mikey wasn't done with his story!!" Donnie nodded. "Yeah yeah, he'll finish it in the morning." Casey groaned but climbed into his sheets.

"Can you tell me a story, Donnie?" Donnie thought for a moment before nodding. "There were once four brothers who did awesome adventures and went on cool trips. But one day, the second oldest plays a prank on the very oldest. He puts food colored water as a replacement of pizza sauce. It wasn't a big deal, but oh boy, did it make him upset." Donnie chuckled at the memory.

Casey noticed it. "Are you talking about Dad and Raphael?" Donnie looked at the ground next to the young boy and nodded. "Yeah, we used to have all kinds of fun. And one day, you will too. Now get some bed, you rascal!" He threw a pillow at Casey and smiled as the boy laughed. "Okay! Okay! Goodnight, Donnie!" Donnie nodded and his smile slowly faded. "Yeah.. goodnight." He stood up and cleared his throat, leaving the room.

When he returned to their open area Mikey was smiling wickedly at him. "I thought you said you wouldn't like himm!" Donnie scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I don't." Mikey hummed unconvincingly. "Uh huh, suree."

They were suddenly interrupted when the door slowly opened and closed. Leo walked in and stared at the floor.

The two brothers quickly ran over to him and hugged him.

"Leo! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Leo shook his head but other than that he didn't move. "What happened? Where's Usagi?!" Leo took a deep breath to compose himself.

He cleared his throat and blinked tears away. "He um.. He didn't make it through..." Mikey gasped. He looked at his older brother sympathetically. "Leo, I'm so sorry.." Leo took a deep breath and smiled at his brothers. "It's alright. Don't worry about it."

Donnie and Mikey shared a concerned look. "Are you sure?" Leo nodded. Mikey looked down and noticed Leo's hand was closed around something very tightly.

"What're you holding?" Leo lifted his hand and showed them the box. He blinked more tears away and slowly opened it. He heard his brothers gasp and then hug him tightly.

"I am so sorry Leo.." Leo nodded. He couldn't cry in front of them.

Mikey pulled away just enough to make eye contact. "Leo, you can cry. It's okay." He shook he head and adverted his eyes. "No I can't." The youngest brothers pulled him down to sit on the floor and sat around him, still holding onto him comfortingly.

"I'm supposed to stay strong for y'all." Tears started pricking his eyes and soon fell down his face. Mikey and Donnie held him tightly.

He continued to cry, unable to stop. But a small voice brought them back.

"Dad? Where's Usagi?" Leo quickly wiped his face and motioned for Casey to come to him.

He walked over and sat in front of the three turtles. "He um, he moved. And he got away from all this. But he won't be coming back.." Casey frowned and looked at the ground. "I don't want him to leave."

Leo pulled him into his lap and rubbed his back as Casey quietly cried.

"Me neither, buddy.."

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