Disaprove. <Angst> pt.2 🙈

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Leo held his breath as he squeezed Usagi's hand. Today was the day he introduced him to his brothers.

He was excited, but also nervous. After what seemed like forever, they stepped into the kitchen.

"Wait right here." He told Usagi and ran off to find everyone. Which surprisingly took longer than expected. But once he got everyone together he stood back next to Usagi and intertwined their fingers.

Usagi was shaking from nervousness. Leo told him that his brothers would like him. And he was sure of it.

"Why're we here, Leo? Who's this?" Raph's expression softened once he noticed the company he had over.

Leo cleared his throat and looked at Usagi before back at Raph.

"Well. Y'all know how I've been seeing someone. And this is him!" He smiled nervously and shifted his weight from foot to foot.

Mikey's eyes lit up. But before anyone could talk, Raph spoke. "What does he do?" Maybe he was already a little suspicious from Usagi's choice of clothing. But Leo shrugged it off.

"He's a samurai." As soon as those words left his mouth everyone's faces dropped. Raph looked more startled than anything.

He cleared his throat and blinked quickly. "Leo, can I talk to you for a minute. Privately?" Leo look at Usagi worriedly and nodded.

He followed the older into a room not far away and leaned against the wall.

"Leo, you cannot date a samurai." Leo felt his heart dropped. He stood up properly and felt his body fill with a mixture of emotions. "What do you mean?!" Raph tried to keep him calm, but it clearly wasn't working. "Com on Leo, samurai and ninjas have been enemies for centuries. They don't go together." Leos mouth dropped open and he looked around the room. "So I can't be with someone I actually care for and love just because you don't like him? You know nothing about him!"

Leo didn't let himself hear another word from the other as he stormed out of the room and back into the kitchen.

Upon entering, he seen Mikey sitting on the counter swinging his legs while talking to Usagi about his clothes and different techniques he uses. Donnie was checking out his sword, making adjustments in his head on how he could improve it.

This made him even more angry. Raph was the only one who seemed to have a problem with it. He huffed and walked over to the three, grabbing Usagi's sword and handing it back to him.

"We're leaving, Sagi." The rabbit looked at him confused and tried to talk to him as his hand was grabbed and he was starting to be pulled out of the lair. But obviously they were stopped.

"Leonardo! You can not date a samurai! You're not leaving with him!" Raph stood there, ready to go after him if he has to. Leo whipped himself around and tried blinking away tears. "Yes I can! You are actually the only one who has a problem with it, and I'm sure if you got to know him you would like him too! He's not at all like a samurai! He only fights when he has to!"

Raph huffed and it seemed the tension in the room got too uncomfortable for the youngest as they slipped away and went to Donnie's room.

"Leo. I'm the oldest. You are to listen to me. This is not okay, what would our ancestors think?" That felt like a bullet go right through him. Really? He knew damn well how Leo would answer that question.

"Fuck our ancestors!" He took his hand from Usagi's and wiped his face while taking a deep breath. He had hoped Usagi would never seen him like this, but not everything goes to plan.


He whimpered into his hands and turned around. "Come on, Sagi. Please." The rabbit looked between the two before opting to follow Leo out of the sewers. Just as Raph was about to follow them, a hand wrapped somewhat around his.

"Raphie? Usagi really isn't that bad. Please atleast give him a chance?" The older turtle thought for a moment. He really did want to. But he can't. He can't go against everyone who brought him to this point.

"I'm sorry Mikey. The answer is no." That was not the answer Mikey was going for, and it wasn't the one he would get in the end. He liked Usagi. He made him feel smart and like he actually mattered. So he wasn't going to let Raph push him away.

"Leo! Leo, slow down!" They both stopped and Leo slid down a brick wall. He covered his face and brought his knees up.

Usagi frowned and sat next to him, wrapping an arm around him. "Leo, it's okay. He's not going to be redundant forever." The turtle whined and laid on the younger.

"It'll be okay, 親愛なる. I promise."
(Dear; Shin'ainaru.)

Leo smiled and let his eyes close. He trusted him. He trusted they'll be together in the end.

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