The introduction to the fam <Fluff>

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The good ending

Leo stopped his boyfriend before entering the lair. "Uh, I just want to warn you before we go in. My brothers will absolutely freak out, ask a lot of questions, and be very precautious." Usagi nodded, excited and a little worried.

Leo let out a breath and stepped inside, hand in hand with Usagi.

"Hey! I've got something to tell everyone." The couple watched as everyone quickly gathered around in the kitchen. Usagi nervously shifted his feet as Leo worked himself up.

"Soo, uh.. me and Usagi here have something to talk you all!" Leo wanted to let go of Usagi's hand so he could fidget with his own hands, but Usagi has seemed to find comfort in holding him, so he decided against it. Instead, he just went with cracking his knuckles repeatedly.

He made eye contact with everyone in the room before taking a deep breath. He knew his family would accept him, but he didn't know if they would accept him dating Usagi.

He smiled nervously and held their hands up. "Me and Usagi are dating..! Yayy.." He watched carefully for their reaction, which was very delayed. But the silence was soon broken by Michael.

"Raph owes me ten bucks!" Leo and Usagi shared a quick, confused glance before looking back at the rowdy teenagers.

Raph and Mikey were bickering about their ten bucks, Donnie was uninterested and could not care less if Leo came out to them about dating a toaster, April and Casey were fawning about it, and Splinter didn't have a reaction. He was more aggravated that they pulled him away from his TV for some 'distraction'.

The couple stood there awkwardly, now not really knowing what exactly to do. Usagi started biting his lip and squeezing Leo's hand.

The turtle gently prodded the other to gain his attention, which he did. "Are you okay?" The rabbit smiled and nodded. "Just, nervous and kind of confused." Leo nods and leans up to press a quick kiss to his cheek. "It'll be okay. They like you."

But before Usagi could respond, Raph started speaking.

"Leo! No kissing. You're like 12." Leo's mouth dropped open and he scoffed. "What!? You're still like 90!" Raph rolled his eyes and snickered. "Yeah sure. Still no kissing." Leo hummed and nodded. "Yeah, yes. I will definitely make sure to not kiss him at all." Raph looked at him with a brow raised and his arms crossed.

Leo smacked his lips and stood up taller. "Well, we'll be going to my room, thank you bye!" He pulled Usagi towards the back and pushing his hastily in his room.

"Door open!" He huffed and shut his door anyway. "You can go sit down on my bed, or anywhere." Usagi smiled at him and walked over to sit on his bed, kicking his shoes off.

Leo trotted over to the bed and plopped down in the bed next to him. More of on him. Leo let his head fall to the side and onto Usagi. The rabbit grunted and pushed him off.

"Go lay down on the other side of the bed, if you're tired." Leo whined and push himself and Usagi onto the pillows. "But I wanna sleep with youu..." Usagi rolled his eyes and pushed Leo off of him again. "We are laying together. Separately." Leo whined again and turned away from Usagi.

The rabbit scoffed in disbelief. "Seriously? You're gonna be petty like that?" Leo ignored him and kept his pout.

"You are unbelievable." Usagi smiled and pressed himself into Leo, wrapping his arms around his waist and setting his head on top of the olders.

Leo closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. "Goodnight, Sagi..." his words were a little slurred, but still understood. "Goodnight, BlueBell."

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