Turtle tank. <Fluff>

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CW/ make out? 😦

The turtles were going on another "mission". They loaded into the turtle tank, and everyone sat in their normal seats.

Until Donnie looked at him seat closer and quirked a brow.

"Who had the vehicle yesterday?" Raph looked at him curiously. "What do ya mean?" Donnie crossed his arms and put all his weight on his right leg.

"Leo. Who's fur is in my seat?" Leo stood there with wide eyes and a slightly red face. Raph whipped his head towards him. "You had what?!" Leo giggled nervously and scratched his neck.

"No one! I swear." Mikey smirked and stood up. "Swearings a sin." Which resulted in Leo smacking the back of his head. Mikey let out a pained yelp and sat back down with a pout.

The younger twin brushed the fur away and sat down. "Tell me who was in my car, Leo, or so help me you are so done with when we get home." Leo sighed and sat in his seat.

He put his face in his hand and looked out the front window.

"It was a boy..." There was a series of gasps and Donnie abruptly stopping the car.

They all were staring at him with their mouths open, except Raph. Instead of shock, it was anger.

"You had a male in my turtle tank!?" It sounded like an insult, which would be totally odd by the fact he is one, along with almost everyone else.

Leo nodded and adverted his eyes again. "What were y'all doing?" He groaned at the question and force himself to turn towards Raph.

"Talked, hung out! Normal teenage stuff. You wouldn't understand, you're like 90 now." Raph let out an offended noise and looked at Mikey for clarification. He just shook his head and patted Raph's arm.

He regained himself and looked sternly at the younger. "Leo. What specifically did you do?" Leo put his head on the arm rest and slumped in the chair, face flushing.

"I'm telling you "specifically" what we did! All we did was talk and hang out." Raph hummed and relaxed more into his chair, still not completely convinced.

Leo kept his face looking away from the others so they wouldn't question the blush.

He honestly didn't expect Raph to believe a lie so unbelievable. But it is what it is.

Leo's face burned even more remembering what happened last night.

He put the keys in the car and turned it on. Despite being above ground, he hoped it wouldn't wake the others up.

He carefully pulled out and drove down the street. It wasn't far, it was maybe a five to ten minute drive.

He pulled up and parked on the side of the road and pulled out his tPhone. It was only a few minutes until a rabbit with his ears tied up to look like a makeshift ponytail exited the apartment building and trotted over to the strange vehicle.

Leo opened the door and walked over to it to help Usagi in.

"Well this is different. But a good different. It's cool." The turtle smile and his face was tinted with pink.

He nudged the other towards the front seats. "Thank youu. Go sit down and I'll show you around."

Usagi was still fairly new to New York, so Leo offered to show his boyfriend around. Which wonderfully worked out.

They drove around, Leo showed him basic spots and the spots "villains" liked to attack the most.

And once they were finished, Leo drove them to a quiet spot on the other side of town that surprisingly not a lot of people stayed in.

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