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Mônet Saint Lewis - Emilia's mother and Steven Hyde meet in Paris over fourteen years ago.  Her parents remembered it like it had just happened yesterday.
Mônet is French and worked at a little bakery Steven would come by everyday when he was travelling.
Steven had travelled to Scotland, Spain, Most of Europe and now Paris to play some gigs - he was in a band and was the lead guitarist. They were pretty good. Steven finally plucked up the courage to ask Mônet on a date and the two quickly fell in love.
It was a grumpy x sunshine sort of love until Mônet got pregnant.
Steven needed to go back to his home town and was finally achieving his dream of opening a music store. but agreed to come visit before Mônet had his baby and so they decided to just stay friends and agreed that Mônet would take care of Emilia but they'd visit Steven every summer.  Their plan was perfect, Hyde set up a successful business selling guitars and records like he'd always wished for and got to see his beautiful daughter every summer overtime, Emilia realised her father understood her a lot more than her mom did so when Mônet became pregnant with her fiancé's baby Emilia asked her mom if she could go live with Hyde as she believed he was lonely and she just missed her dad.
And so, here she finally was at her dad's small but loving home.
Two knocks and a hug later, Emilia Hyde was back in her old room.
"Emmy! It's honestly so great to have you here man, I've missed my girl" Steven Hyde gently knocked on his daughters door and walked in.
"And I've missed my dad." Emmy remarked as she smiles up at her dad, she was currently spread out on her single bed very tried from the flight from Paris to Wisconsin.
"By the way I know your rooms a little..." Her dad tried to find the words "Childish?" Emmy answered
"Yeah. Childish. So lemme know if you want to change some things.
Oh! by the way, do you remember little Forman?" Hyde randomly asked referring to Leia Forman, his bestfriends daughter his daughter,
Emmy nodded in reply.
"Well shes comin' to Kitty and Red's house for the fourth.
I know you too are friends maybe we could go over there for a while?" Hyde asked reminiscing of the july fourths he, Eric, Kelso, Jackie, Fez and Donna would spend in Eric's basement. Man he missed those days.
"I guess we could" Emmy smiled, She and Leia weren't exactly friends
They'd met a total of three times and hardly said a word to one another.
But Emmy's dad wanted he and Eric's daughters to become friends and Emmy would do anything for her dad.
"Great the fourths in two days so you've got some time to unpack"

July Fourth came sooner then Emmy had expected it too.
She'd been in town two days but still had not made any friends much to her dismay, maybe she and Leia would finally become friends like their dads have always wanted.
Emmy was always a people pleaser and made friends easily but since school hadn't started and it was summer she couldn't exactly make friends in those conditions.
Emmy and her dad were currently on their way to the Forman's household.
The Formans were like Emmy's grandparent even though they were not biologically Steven's parents but they were in other every way that mattered. As soon as they'd arrived Emmys dad ran inside as fast as Emmy had ever seen him when he'd spotted Eric's car parked outside.
"ERIC" The older Hyde shrieked
"HYDE" Eric had one of the biggest grins Emmy had ever seen as the two old friends embraced each other in a hug. Donna, Leia's mom and Eric's wife aswell as Emmy's favourite Forman (because she was such an icon) entered rolling her eyes at the sight of her husband and old friend embracing but a part of her was grinning widely for her boys were back toghter! all they needed now were Fez, Kelso and Jackie.
"I've got it babe" Emmy noticed all her bags and immediately offered to help the woman. Leia gave Emmy a soft grin but the two didn't talk at all until they were in the kitchen belonging to Kitty and Red, Eric started speaking nonsense about a summer camp he and Leia were going to yet clearly Emmy realised Leia so obviously did not want to go.
"I'm gonna go shoot some hoops" Leia tried to escape, failing miserably
"Hey Leia? wanna go shoot some hoops?" Emmy asked covering for
the girl to while Leia smiled in relief knowing her dad wouldn't hold her back because he wanted her to bond with his bestfriends daughter, the one and only Emilia Hyde.
"I owe you big time Emilia" Leia laughed while Emmy started shooting hoops, she groaned at her full name "Call me Emmy" she smiled at Leia.
They weren't as awkward as they used to be. Maybe they could be friends this time around since Leia was staying for the weekend and hopefully could be Emmy's first friend in Wisconsin. Sure she didn't live there full time but she still counted.
suddenly the girls's bonding moment was interrupted by some really loud music. Leia was trying to ignore it while Emmy kept shooting some hoops but randomly had enough.
Leia followed the the music.
"Leia? okay then" Emmy sighed, following a confused Leia.
They'd found the loud music player.
She was a girl with an amazing style.
Leia started telling her about herself clearly trying to become her friend.
"I'm not popular" Leia mumbled with shame "And thank god for that" Emmy said as Gwen agreed, "Popular people suck" Emmy finished.
The three new found friends laughed and started blaring the music again.
Suddenly a boy covered in shaving cream stormed into Gwen's room.
"Damn it Gwen! Turn that crap down I'm trynna shave" He said before slamming the door.  Leia and Emmy looked at their new friend with confusion on who the boy was.
"Older brother, different dads.
He's cool. mostly cause he's got a van and is fun to mess with" Gwen explained, blaring the music for the third time to piss of her elder brother while her new friends giggled. Hyde was still at the Forman's hardly noticing his daughters disappearance as he was simply having too much fun with his bestfriends, Eric and Donna.
When Leia and Emmy finally returned to the Forman's and asked to have a sleepover the old friends were ecstatic. They agreed in an instant hoping the two girls would find comfort, fun and an amazing friendship just like they had all those years ago. The next morning, Emmy and Leia walked into the Formans kitchen, super excited to hangout with Gwen again.
"Morning. Bye." Leia greeted.
"Morning Forman's!" Emmy smiled as Kitty hugged her but her smile quickly dropped as Eric looked real pissed at his daughter.
"What is that?" he asked sternly
"A nose ring" Leia confirmed.
"How did this happen?"
"Gwen gave it to me"
"Oh! it was Gwen? I didn't know it was Gwen. Quick question for you, Who the hell is Gwen and why is she poking holes in your perfect face?" Eric sassed to which Emmy laughed until Kitty shushed her as Leia explained who Gwen was.
After convincing her dad to let she and Emmy go to Gwen's Leia smiled in success, promising they'd be back for the fireworks.

Ozzie was super funny. He and Emmy immediately became friends and started gossiping as Leia and Gwen played some game and Gwen's older brother and a guy and girl Emmy had never meet came into the basement to join the four.
Emmy was currently in the middle of Leia and Ozzie, the guy she'd never meet quickly sat next to Leia.
He immediately started flirting with them. "Hey new girls"
Leia immediately started making a fool of herself, Emmy grabbed her hand gesturing her to be quiet sensing this 'Jay' guy was a player.
Her suspensions were proved right when Gwen literally confirmed it.
Gwen's brother, Nate, his girlfriend, Nikki and Jay went to some store soon after and arrived back to the basement with a big keg.
Emmy smiled at the sight.
Nate immediately started thinking about ways to open the keg when Gwen suggested Lia and Emmy go try to get served by Mama to get a kook.
Which somehow was successful,
Leia showed up 'pregnant' while Emmy acted as Leia's older sister.
Leia's belly somehow turned and Mama knew something was up.
Leia started freaking out — even more so when Mama threatened to call the police. Leia started debating Mama and Emmy took this as her chance to flirt with Mama's son in hopes of getting served.
Leia convinced Mama to not call the police but she still wouldn't serve them as hard as Leia tried.
Mama's son on the other hand, slipped what they were looking for into Emmy's pocket while Emmy promised him a date — a promise she would for sure break cause the boy looked a little too happy to serve an underage girl.
"To Emmy and Leia!" Emmy smiled as her new friends toasted to she and Leia. Leia and Gwen sat together, looking the fireworks in admiration while Emmy sat near them by herself.
She wasn't by herself for long as Jay Kelso squished in beside her with a flirting smile he asked "How did you convince Mama to serve you guys?"
Emmy decided to mess with him.
You know, player to player.
"I agreed to go on a date with Mama's son so he'd slip it into my pocket" Emmy shrugged and laughed at Jays saddened face thinking she was going on. a. date. not. with. him.
Jay felt this cosmetic pull to most girls but when he'd begun flirting with Leia the first time he meet the Forman girl his heart stopped spotting the girl right next to Leia, Emilia Hyde.
Jay swears she is the prettiest girl he's ever seen and trust me, hes seen a lot of girls man.
"Wait you did what? isn't he like twenty" Jay fake laughed, not feeling in a goofy mood for some odd reason. he was always in a silly mood.
"Yep" Emmy tried not to laugh, enjoying messing with the boy.
"I think it's a bad idea Emilia" Jay tried to make reason with her.
"Jay Jay Jay! call me Emilia once more and you'll lose a hand" Emmy warned, she'd told him to just call her Emmy multiple times but he kept forgetting.
"Alrighty I get it. Just promise me you'll stay away from the overage guy" Jay asked to which Emmy smiled telling him she had been joking.
"Ah! the player got played.
That is hilarious" Nikki laughed, overhearing the encounter.
"I'm starting to think Jay's met his match" Nate laughed.


yes Nate, Jay has met his match🫶🏼
help that 90s show came out a solid day ago and Jays got me whipped.
word count: 1723 words.

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