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Emmy and Gwen sung as loud as they could to annoy their friend group.
They were all currently in the Formans basement which has become their official hangout, Emmy loved the basement so much not only did her dad, Leia' parents aswell as Jay's spent their teen years down here and it felt really cool to be doing the same but there were vintage bowie, queen, the beatles posters put up by their parents that were super cool.
And everytime you came down yo the basement you would for sure find bowie/AC/DC/ABBA merch like t - shirts and sweat shirts to steal.
Emmys taken some Bowie jumper belonging to her dad and an ABBA t - shirt Donna Forman once owned.
"Do they know you guys are here?" Leia asked her friends, coming down to the basement walking around Nate and Nikki who were a little busy. And by busy I mean fully going at it. They were making out of a solid ten minutes straight.
"How are they not suffocating?" Emmy asked in confusion, she has had her fair share of boyfriends, girlfriends and makeout sessions but not once had she been able to hold out for almost ten minutes.
"I'll teach you a trick later" Gwen told her with a smirk.
"They don't care, their in the zone.
Check this out" Jay said going back to Leia's question as he felt a little uncomfortable thinking about Emmy making out with Gwen — not that girls kissing girls bothered him but Emmy kissing someone else did for some reason. Jay threw a ball at his bestfriend who catch it with ease.
"How could she kiss my brother! his dentist quit in the middle of their appointment..." Gwen said while Ozzie looked like he was about to cry "Guys I got to close and now I'm stuck in it" He said, Emmy pulled him softly away from the couple with laughter "just call me your saviour"
she told ozzie who rolled his eyes.
"We've all been there when your in a hot makeout session and your so in the moment " said Jay while Gwen agreed "Yeah. When your lips just melt together" Emmy nodded in agreement."And his tongue hits your dingly thing" Leia said to which her friends gave her an odd look realising Leia hadn't had her first kiss Gwen and Emmy took her to the mall.
Leia asked Ozzie if he'd had his and he said no which was shocking.
Until Emmy realised he was clearly lying when he went into a perfect love story of how he meet his boyfriend and he'd given Ozzie the last XL jumper.
"We still haven't seen this jumper" Jay muttered as Ozzie proceeded yo eat him up with burns.
"BURN" Emmy said, quite proud if Ozzie giving him a pat in the back.
"When did you guys get here?" Nikki snapped out of she and Nate's
make-out session due to Emmys random outburst.
"We were making out" Nate said with a big grin. Nate reminded Emmy of a big, warm teddy bear.
"Oh really? hadn't noticed" Ozzie rolled his eyes as he, Leia, Emmy and Gwen left the basement headed to the mall to get Leia kissed.
"There is another idea but I didn't wanna bring it up..." Gwen trailed off. Attempting to get Leia kissed at the mall was a huge failure.
It might have even got all the three teens forever banned from the mall!
After Leia tried to make a move in the ice - cream parlour guy and literally jumped over the counter in desperate need to be kissed.
"Its a bad idea! dont say it" Emmy shuck her head knowing Gwen was going to suggest Leia just kiss Jay.
"She could kiss Jay! it would be easy he thinks shes cute and hes a KELSO" Gwen shrugged, a little confused on Emmy being that bothered by Jay and Leia possibly kissing — she'd ask about it later.
"What does being a Kelso have to do with anything?" Leia asked.
"He's a man - whore" Ozzie replied, he really had zero filter.
"He is still a person with feelings- he is a little hoe - y tho" Emmy defended Jay but agreed a little.
"Hes our friend its way too awkward theres gotta be someone else"
Leia said avoiding awkwardness with Jay."There is the lifeguard"Ozzie started to explain but was cut off by Gwen and Emmy,
"Absolutely not" "no way in hell"
taking her friends opinions into account Leia shrugged "Jay then?"
Gwen nodded, excited for her friend while Ozzie and Emmy ask Leia about her 'first kiss plan'
"I guess I could invite him to over and do it then?" Leia smirked
"Say were going bowling but cancel last minute so Jay will still show up" Gwen said grinning while Leia nodded.
"Awh! our little LeLe is all grown up" Emmy said with a fake pout, trying to ignore the fact her tummy hurt as the thought of Jay and Leia kissing.
"Alright get out" Leia laughed.
"Em. Walk with me we can go to mine for a while" Gwen asked Emmy who nodded "Maybe for a bit but I've got plans with Nikki soon" She smiled as they walked out if the basement and toward Gwen and Nate's home.

When they'd reached Gwen's room Gwen immediately grins at her friend,
"Do you by chance like Jay?"
Emmy cheeks went red and she got butterflies in her stomach at the mention of Jay.
"Jay as in Jay Kelso?" Emmy asked, she started to whisper trying her best not to smile.
"Oh my god you do! also why are you whispering?" Gwen smirked.
"I do not! you've gone insane and I'm whispering so your brother doesn't over hear for your information"
"If you don't like him why would you be scared of Nate over hearing?"Gwen grinned knowing the truth.
"Fine, I think I just might like him but only a tiny little not at all really but Leia likes him! I just can't" Emmy explained feeling guilty.
"As much as I love Leia she isn't dating Jay at the moment so she cant get mad at you" Gwen explained, sitting on her bed "God why does everyone suddenly like Jay" she asked herself laughing. Emmy sat down on the bed too with a sad sigh.
"But Gwen! I don't know if I do" Emmy said quietly, shes always found people hot and then has hooked up with them but she doesn't have much experience in actual relationships.
"Well... what do you like about him or feel like when you spend time with him?" Gwen asked Emmy.
"I like his stupid hair and that when he gets nervous he keeps messing it up and how caring and sweet he is which shocks everyone because most people think he's a player and every single time I see him my stomach feels sick" Emmy ranted.
"What do you mean by 'sick'?" Gwen asked a little confused.
"I don't know Gwen? like fluttery"
Emmy spoke, getting up off the bed suddenly remembering she has plans with Nikki to go to the local diner.
"Butterflies." Gwen thought out loud watching as her friend left.
"Emmy! why are you so late?"
"Nikki. Do you know what butterflies are?" Emmy asked taking Nikki
by surprise.
"Uhhh yeah. There like this feeling you get in your stomach around a person you like. Why?" Nikki said.
"I get them when I'm with Jay.
Pretty sure I might like him" Emmy said coming to terms with the awkward situation shes in.
"Oh my god! the double dates we could have" Nikki smiled.
"Nik! I need your help" Emmy desperately expressed "He's kissing Leia as we speak"
"What do you mean?" Nikki asked in confusion and Emmy explained Leia's plan Gwen helped with.
"Well you call him now and tell him" Nikki said trying her best to help.
"What if I just call him and say we aren't hanging out today so won't show up at Leia's?" Emmy asked.
"Don't blame me love made me crazy" Emmy said, getting up to the phone booth to call the boy she loved and prevent him from kissing her best friend. She'd for sure regret it later on but for now, she was a hormonal teenage girl who liked a boy. Nikki nodded,"If it doesn't you ain't doing it right" Nikki encouraged Emmy to call Jay.

currently blaring Don't blame me by Taylor Swift...
please dont get too mad at Emmy she is in love :))))
I ❤️ this chapter sm omg
- fallon 🫶🏼

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