𝟏𝟐 || 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑

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EMMY AND NIKKI SAT AT THEIR GROUPS UNOFFICAL LUNCH TABLE. They were waiting for the rest of their friends to join them for lunch: jay, nate,gwen and ozzie.
Emmy had successfully finished her first term at 'Wisconsin high school' and had made a few extra friends and not failing any classes was a bonus.
Jay was coming around the corner, Emmy couldn't see him but she could feel the butterflies in her tummy.
The same thing happens everytime Jay enters a room if he ever find out she'd completely deny it tho.
"Hey Em." Jay grinned sitting beside his girl putting his arms around her.
"Smooth Kelso." She mocked as she leaned into a kiss, hearing Ozzie and Gwen gag signalling their arrival.
Nik smiled taking in her friends happy ness as Nate tucked into onion rings not even noticing the moment.
"They just might be cuter than us Nate." Nik noted as Nate shrugged "Who?"
Gwen rolled her eyes, Nate didn't deserve Nikki at all he was her brother and she loved him but Nik deserved someone who actually loved and cares about her someone like Gwen.
But Gwen didn't like Nikkk- she couldn't.
"Gwen? you good?" Emmy asked noticing Gwen's blushed face.
"Mhm. Uh guys sleepover at mine this weekend, girls only sorry boys."
Gwen said and the boys shrugged, eating.
"I'm in." Nikki smiled at Gwen who somehow blushed even more.
"Sorry girls I have an anniversary." Emmy grinned at Jay who put his hands around her waist tightly making her feel safer.
"Yup! eight months ago we met and she can't get rid of me ever since." Jay joked.
"So what's the plan Jason?" Emmy asked her boyfriend, she loved adding letters onto his name as it pissed him off.
Today they were celebrating their 8 months of knowing each other anniversary which is really just an excuse to makeout and eat cake with the boy she loves but she hasnt told him that just yet, Jay had said I love you three months ago they'd only been dating about a month but she noticed he let it slip on a call between the two.
She said Thank you, she blamed it on the panic mode but Jay didn't same to care and was waiting but he reminded her of it often saying the three words.
"Well we will go to my spot- our spot Emilia." Jay smiled correcting himself as he grabbed Emmys hand to hurry her up.
"Hold your horses Kelso." she laughed as he dragged her along with ease.
Jay lead her to a place she'd only been once with him, he had put a red heart blanket in the centre of the floor, fairy lights on the trees and candles- vanilla to be exact Emmys favourite were lit.
He handed her a bouquet of tulips and smiled at her shocked face.
"Jay I love you." She said looking into his eyes, Jay responded with a kiss and nodded "you took your time Hyde." He joked as he poured her some tea.
"Uh huh you were a player when I first meet you dingus." Emmy reminded him.
Jay teased "Oh and you weren't?"
Emmy giggled "We're pretty perfect arent we? two players who fell in love." Jay nodded in agreement smiling.
The rest of the date was spent hugging, Jay running away with Emmys polaroid camera, Emmy stealing it back, Emmy running away with Jays moms homemade cookies, Jay stealing it back saying Kitty had given Jackie, Jays mom the recipe and they were amazing but not as amazing as Emmy was.
"You just compared me to a cookie? wow." Emmy mocked as Jay laughed
"Always the dramatic Hyde aren't you?"
Emmy laughed noticing a boy walk by and smirk at her, Jays jaw clenched.
"Jay don't mind him, he probably didn't see you is all." Emmy smiled as she hugged her boyfriend in reassurance.
"I trust you Em don't worry, just highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you. I don't exactly blame them." He flirted making Emmy blush.
"Shut up or i'll make my dad smack
you Jason." She rolled her eyes trying not to smile at her boyfriend.
"Will you be in the room?" Jay asked.
"What are you talking about dingus?" Emmy said to the boy confusedly.
"When your dad smacks me." he finished
"I'd have to see that so yes." She smiled.
"Alright... just don't laugh at me crying like a baby ok? your dads scary as hell." Jay said laughing at Emmys eye roll.
"My dads not scary." She says as Jay laughs "Not to you darling."


you know i had to end this book on a taylor swift song <3
gwen x nikki>>>>
until next season mls
— fal

lovers rock, jay kelsoWhere stories live. Discover now