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"I CAN STILL RECALL OUR LAST SUMMER! I STILL SEE IT ALL" Ozzie sung his heart out till Emmy shushed him quickly,
"Oz! zip it you'll anger Red."
Leia shrugged "its our last day I don't think he'll bother yelling now."
We all Sighed it was in fact our last day.
Leia went back to Chicago early the next morning and the rest of the teens start school on Monday sadly.
Summer 1995 — Emmy's best summer yet was officially over much to her dismay.
"Jeez you guys are such debby downers." Gwen rolled her eyes wanting to make the most of Leia's final night in Wisconsin.
Leia nodded "We can be sad tomorrow, tonight we drink." she whispered the last part.
"Leia didn't you want to use up your camera film?" Ozzie asked, suddenly remembering and Leia gasped grabbing it thanking Ozzie for the reminder just then Nikki walked in.
"Nik about time. where's your other half?" Emmy hugged her best friend who's boyfriend wasn't clung to her for once.
"He and Jay are on the way." Nikki grinned and once Leia,Gwen and Ozzie weren't noticing them and were talking to each other Nikki nudged her "speaking of Jay..."
Emmy gave her friend a shocked look then remembered Jays best friend is her boyfriend.
"Nate's your spy then is he?" Emmy asked with a laugh so Nikki knew she was just kidding.
"I pay him by the hour." Nikki joked.
"Right, sooo you know we kissed then?" Emmy asked and Nikki nodded at her with a grin.
"I'm fine with it once he doesn't steal you from me and I don't become an aunt just yet." Nikki laughed and said she was happy for them.
"Well we aren't officially together. Jay hasn't asked me out or anything." Emmy shrugged with a sad expression and Nikki nodded.
"I wouldn't be so sure." she said with a knowing laugh and walked to Leia.
"What was that?" Ozzie walked to her sensing drama or gossip. Ozzie always had the gossip.
"Boys stuff yuck" Gwen rolled her eyes.
Just then then, Nate and the boy Emmy was so scared to see walked into the basement.
"Ew. You guys brought the keg from July 4th that's nasty." Nikki said and we all nodded.
Leia deserved better on her last night.
Leia shuck her head with a sigh "I appreciate it guys but it's fine. Really" She said getting herself and Gwen drinks.
Jay walked over to Emmy with a smile.
He put his hand over her shoulder.
"smooth" Emmy laughed at his flirting but Jay noticed her cheeks blushing but decided not to mock her about it, he liked her too much to.
"Nice to see you too Em." he grinned and she gave him a kiss on the cheek the twos stomachs being filled with butterflies from the act.
"This might seem.. strange but do you want to go makeout?" jay asked with a shrug and Emmy giggled "I'm not busy."
Gwen rolled her eyes over hearing the conversation as the two love struck teens exited the basement via the back door.
Jay grabbed Emmys hand leading her to Leia's new car the two sat up on it, Jay helping Emmy reach and calling her tiny as she had to go on her tippy toes "Shush Kelso, your like two inches taller than-" Jay cut her off with a kiss her friends would hear Emmy rant about later.
He was an amazing kisser, the best Emmys had not that she'd ever tell him that it would boost his ego far too much. Emmy laughed and kissed him back running her hands through his soft hair and he grabbed her hips, sitting her on his waist — it was clear the Kelso boy had expirence but Emmy was just thankful for all of the girls he loved before but she loved him more. So much more.
Emmy could feel his smile through their kiss.
"Oi loverbirds get in here! photo time." Nate was heard and they quickly left the yard.
"I wish i was a little bit taller, I wish a was a baller." Emmy yelled out with her friends almost falling from the couch Ozzie tried to steady her "Slow it down Em." he laughed.
"I think I'm a really great dancer." Leia spoke to Gwen and Emmy who laughed.
"It's your last night so...sure" Gwen lied.
"This is the best final day of summer" Leia grinned as she and Leia ate some cheese.
"ew." Emmy and Nikki remarked.
"Leia is taking this so well. I thought she'd be upset about your breakup." Nate said to Gwen taking the group of teens by suprise.
"What?" Leia asked with a sad expression.
Nikki smacked her boyfriends arm "I hadn't exactly told her yet." Gwen replied.
"So you were gonna dump me! I'm one of your summer flings." Leia sprayed cheese all over Gwen's hair as Nikki tried to help
"Leia shes making a point...long distance relationships are hard work." Leia rolled her eyes "So we're not even gonna try."
"Emmy help me out here." Emmy didn't want to upset either of them but agreed with Leia, if Gwen really loved Leia she would try.
"Leia I get both sides it's really none of my business." Emmy tried to reason as Leia sighed loudly "so your with them! my friend for over ten years wow Jays really changed you." Leia walked out as Gwen ran after her.
Jay walked over to Emmy sensing she was upset. Leia had really hurt her but Em knew she hadn't changed she just loved a boy.
"Em shes just mad she didn't think it through your perfect she'll regret it later." Nikki said giving the girl a hug as Jay and Nate agreed.
"I know I get it. I'm actually on Leia's side just didn't want to upset Gwen." Emmy said.
Jay walked Emmy home and he was very overprotective of her the rest of the night.
Leia hadn't come down from her room and Gwen had told them to just go home.
Nikki and Nate went to Nate's for a makeout sesh so Jay offered to walk Emmy home.
"Are you seriously okay Em? no bullshit." the boy asked with a concerned expression.
Emmy shrugged "I'm not going to lie it hurt but Leia was drunk and heartbroken I doubt she actually meant it." Jay nodded and poked her nose to try make her laugh. It did make her laugh he always knew how to make her laugh.
"Uh..Em I know the timings off and I really did want to do this whole romantic thing.
I mean me and Nate had a picnic idea or the movies and I just- do you want to be my girlfriend? I just can't wait any longer." Jay rambled taking Emmy by suprise.
The timing couldn't be any worse the girl had just been yelled at by her eldest friend but then again if anyone else was with her right now she'd be ignoring them and wanting to be alone. But she wanted Jay Kelso.
She wanted his attention,love,soft hugs and him to scream burn each time she had a funny come back at Ozzie or Gwen.
She didn't even need to think of an answer "duh" she giggled before getting on her tippy toes to kiss the boy who smiled.
"See! I am more than two inches taller" Jay said after the amazing kiss Emmy rolled her eyes "Of course that's what your thinking about right now." They laughed as they arrived at Emmys house with a sad look jay asked "Are you going to come to Leia to say bye in the morning? I know she'd appreciate it but I understand if you don't want too."
Emmy smiled at his caring heart.
"Of course I am plus I miss her mom, Donna."
Jay smiled relived at his girlfriend.
"Great I'll pick you up at ten with Nate and Nikki. Goodnight Em." He kissed her.
"Night JJ." She grinned opening her front door where her father stood.
"Ask her out yet?" Hyde asked Jay.
Jay looked like a toddler about to wet himself.
"Um- Yes- Yes sir." Hyde smiled at Jays answer
"About time son! welcome to the family." Hyde fake smiled and hugged Jay.
Jay heard him whisper "Get her pregnant and I will kill you and your father."
The Hyde's smiled and closed the door.
"I need some condoms." Jay was heard talking to himself on his way home.


Authors note
omg second last chap :(
Also sorry I haven't updated in so long just had a load of exams but I'm gonna finish this story this weekend.
TYSM THIS STORY KS THE #1 in Jaykelso that's actually amazing.
Just a reminder this was the first Jay fanfic and first thats90sshow one so like the og fr <3
- Fal xoxo

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