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the someone she'd been so worried to see, even though she was trying not to be upset about Jay and being over him - she was not.
She knew that but all of her friends would pity her and with her starting school and most likely being in Jay's class she tried to act cool about the whole situation to avoid conflict.
Of all people, she'd walked into Jay.
"Crap I'm so sor-" she began to apologise, looking up from the floor.
"Emmy? oh don't worry about it." Jay said shooting her a grin.
Emmy immediately rolled her eyes and was filled with anger at the sight of his stupid, cute face.
"JAY KELSO. you have some audacity.
Smiling at me as if you haven't been a douche bag the past week!" she angrily yelled at Jay who looked like a lost deer unaware of how pissed Emmy was — Leia was probably pissed with him too since he hadn't shown up to her party.
Jay was just very confused on his feelings, his dad had noticed and the two began talking about Emmy and Kelso told his son it was clear he had feelings for her. Then he told him to never tell her as she'd have all the power but he'd already done that with his little crush on Leia,
he'd already learned that lesson.
"I love you... I mean really love and
I'm really sorry I hurt you Em, it'll never happen again. I just- I don't know how or why or when it happened but I think I'm in love with you and I don't mean like a little crush like Leia and I.
I mean I want to take you out and treat you like you should be treated."
Jay ranted, shocking Emmy.
"Jay- have you broke up with your girlfriend?" Emmy asked taking Jay
by an extreme surprise.
"That's your question?" he asked
to which Emmy rolled her eyes "You Idiot, I want to kiss you but I won't help a cheater" she rushed.
Jay nodded multiple times finally getting the idea "I broke up with her yesterday" he informed and then Emmy brushed her soft lips against Jays and the two had their first kiss- well a make-out sesh.
"Wow." Jay said, releasing from the kiss to catch a breather.
"So you'll pick me up at 8 tomorrow?" Emmy asked the boy, her face covered in blush.

"Jay? your a little early" Emmy grinned as she opened her door.
Steven Hyde was noticeable as he perked around the corner to spy on his daughter and her date.
"Good evening Mr Hyde" Jay said to Steven with a polite smile although he wasn't even looking at the older hyde but at his daughter.
Emmy wore a black mini-skirt and a white cropped t - shirt with black boots and black tights with some silver jewellery. Simple but flattering.
"You look hot" Jay admired.
Hyde snapped his head at Jay.
"pip down lover boy" he warned.
Jay nodded "I mean beautiful sir..."
Emmy dragged him away before her dad could reply in fear he'd embarrass her even more.
"Bye dad! be back at 11!" She yelled to which Hyde replied, "10! or your grounded young lady."
"10:30 then" she said and her dad smiled "you really are my kid man." He grinned and shut the door.
"Your dads...friendly" Jay said
"Yeah right! he's an anti - social awkward person but he's a sweetheart who could kill you." She laughed and Jays worried face.
"Kidding. Where are we headed?" She asked laughing as Jay nodded in reply "Uh so I borrowed Nate's car...clearly and we're gonna head to the dinner you love so much." He said beginning to drive them off.
The two arrived at their favourite dinner around ten minutes later.
"What do you want love?" Jay asked, as she smiled at the nickname Emmy muttered "We could share a pizza."
Jay grinned "Perfect. What toppings?"
Emmy gasped "you need to ask? pepperoni always bub." Jay smiled as he went to order.
They had a romantic dinner and as they were going to leave Jay ended up giving Emmy his black hoodie because she was noticeable cold.
"Jay?" Emmy asked as Jay looked at her "Would it be childish to go to a park right now?" she asked and Jay laughed "of course it would- let's go"
He pushed her on the swings and they went down the slide,Jay showed off how well he could climb the monkey bars causing emmy to laugh.
They laid down on the soft matted group, out of breath and Jay brought her into a kiss to end their perfect first date.


Emmy and Jay's first date 🫶🏼
also this is the second last chapter :(
— fallon

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