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Jay Kelso had a girlfriend — one that was not her! can you believe it? the player had been played, by Jay kelso of all people
"Em. Maybe you should tell Jay how you feel? I mean he so liked you, I wonder what the hell happened." Nikki told her upset best friend.
Emmy,Nikki, Leia and Gwen were all sleeping over at the Formans for Leia's birthday. Leia was also having a party the following day.
"Maybe I will maybe I won't.
Anyways tonight's about Leia so let's just celebrate the princess" Emmy smiled at Leia, giving her a gift.
"What is it?" Leia asked to which Emmy shrugged "go ahead and
open it silly." Leia teared the pink, rainbow wrapping paper and gasped in awe at the star wars t - shirt and a ABBA vinyl Emmy had gifted her.
Emmy had gotten the vinyl for free perks of her dad's record store.
"Do you like it?" Emmy asked, Leia smiled at her friend, hugging her "you know me well dear friend"
Gwen went next, she got Leia an expensive looking necklace and a box of chocolates. They were practically a couple at this point but neither had asked each other out so it was just an unofficial relationship really.
"Thanks Gwen I love it" Leia smiled.
Nikki was next, she and Leia weren't too close so Emmy had to help pick out Leia's gift from Nikki.
Nikki was rich rich and so Emmy took the chance of her own pleasure too and begged Nikki for ABBA concert tickets.
"Oh my god! you didn't" Gwen gasped spotting the tickets and Leia immediately started freaking out causing Kitty to come upstairs in concern over the noise.
"Grandma we're totally fine, Leia just got excited over the ABBA tickets Nikki bought her as a present" Emmy told her gran, Kitty who also started freaking out about the tickets
"You got ABBA tickets? wow" Kitty remarked happy for the teens that she thought of as her own children.
"I did have a little help picking out the gift plus my dad paid for the tickets but I'm happy you like them" Nikki smiled as Leia hugged her.

"What's your plan?" Nikki asked her best friend — Emilia Hyde.
Emmy shrugged and rolled her eyes at the thought of seeing Jay at Leia's birthday party the two were currently getting ready for.
"You have a plan right? Em honestly you and Jay are both sort of players... can't you use your flirting tricks with him and finally just be together?" Nikki asked her friend turning from looking at herself in the mirror to Emmy who was getting dressed into a red crop top and some flattering jeans.
"It's not that simple Nik. Look if me and Jay are meant to be we will be. Plus he's got a girlfriend." Emmy explained to her friend as she put on some cute jewellery pieces.
"And you will be" Nikki smiled with a knowing look at her best friend.


super short chapter i know but i needed a chapter filler because my next chapters so long and i feel like i need to spread the chapters out a bit.
tysm for all the love.
— Fallon :)

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