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When the clock struck midnight at the girls sleepover, Gwen, Emmy and Nikki started singing happy birthday to the birthday girl who was trying to shush them in fear of waking up her grandparents, Red and Kitty.
A little later in the morning Emmy, Ozzie, Nikki and Gwen left to get some much needed sleep before Leia's party that same evening.
"Wait Em, Nik you'll come help me get ready at 5 right?" Leia asked as they all were about to leave, holding open the door for the group who all looked half dead and very sleepy.
Emmy nodded, too tired to speak her dad, the sweetheart that he is told her he'd be at the work she she could sleep for hours without any disturbance so she could take a nap in peace and quiet.
Nikki nodded and smiled, also too tired to use her voice as she, Emmy, Ozzie and Gwen left the Formans.
"Oh my god, still with the 90210?
this is getting pathetic" Nikki said with sympathy as she, Nate and Emmy arrived back their hangout, at the Formans basement to find the birthday girl sadly watching tv with Ozzie beside her. Emmy laughed.
She wore a black skirt and green crop top with converse.
"Yeah...what is it with 90210 Leia?" Emmy said, coming to sit with Leia and stealing some biscuits.
"I'm not going to say it to her face but she needs professional help!" Nikki said, her boyfriend agreeing
"I saw her yesterday just wandering the neighbourhood like our grandpa used too...near the end" Nate said with a deja vu look. Emmy rolled her eyes at the dramatics as Gwen started "Guys! stop! she's going through something...very stupid"
"Gwen I'm right here!" Leia gasped at her friend who looked pleased "good you needed to hear it" Gwen said and then left to go to the bathroom — something she'd do when Leia spoke about Jay Emmy and Nikki had noticed and came to the conclusion Gwen liked Leia.
"How long am I going to feel like this?" Leia asked and Nikki answered "well it takes half the time you spend in a relationship to get over it...and since you were never in a
relationship you should be fine" Nikki said as they all laughed along but as Leia groaned, Emmy rubbed her back to show her friend support.
"Leia..we came by to give you your birthday present" Gwen reminded the group, coming back to the basement with wet eyes.
Nikki and Emmy shared a look.
Ten minutes later the group of teens were high. Yet again.
But damn was it a great gift.
"I'm hungry" Ozzie said as he began sobering up — the group agreed and they decided to go grab some food.
All was well and Emmy was eating a delicious chicken burger.
Until that is, Jay Kelso walked in.
"This is bad! she's gonna have a relapse" Ozzie freaked, referring to Leia because Emmy wouldn't be got dead being depressed over a boy.
Even if she really love that boy.
"Yeah...neither of you need this" Gwen said, this time she was concerned for both Leia and Emmy.
Leia shuck her head, "seriously guys I'm fine! I'm gonna go over there and say hi like a normal person." Leia said to which Emmy stood up knowing Leia would somehow embarrass herself and Emmy decided to help.
"How's it going turkeys?" See.
"She means hello" Emmy smiled clearly avoiding Jay. Leia smiled at her in thanks. Leia then picked up a pickle making matters even worse.
Emmy wanted to die then and there.
Leia actually ended up inviting them which wasn't a horrible idea as Emmy took this as her chance to show Jay what he missed out on but she didn't miss him. of course not.
"I just ruined my birthday" Leia said, sitting down as Emmy went back to her food nodding at the comment.
"This is when you guys are supposed to tell me I didn't ruin my birthday." She told her friends who shrugged
"You did ruin your birthday."Ozzie agreed as Gwen tried to to laugh.
"This pickle as bad luck." Leia concluded, pointing the pickle at Ozzie who looked mad.
"Don't point your pickle at me."

"When Jay and Serena show up- I'm going to show them what's up.
Kellie style." Leia smirked as Emmy pretended to know what she was talking about never having watched the show but supporting her friend.
"This is why we get paid 30 per event less then men." Gwen groaned.
"What happened to not obsessing over jay..." she asked Leia who shrugged "I'm not obsessing. I'm just going to change how I think, how I act just to get him back."
Gwen pulled her bra strap which caused a war. Emmy laughed at her friend Ozzie's awkward face.
"I am the wrong audience for this."
Ozzi and Gwen left the basement ten minutes later, deciding to get themselves ready.
Emmy had gotten ready before heading out with them so she could easily help Leia get ready afterward.
"I'll use your phone to call Nikki and get her over here. I need all the help I can get." Emmy joked, calling her best friend, Nikki who said she would be there soon.
Leia nodded and the two went upstairs into her bedroom.
Emmy was surprisingly really good at makeup but she was horrible at art.
And so she begun Leia's makeup and when Nikki arrived she started on Leia's outfit. Emmy helped with the outfit but the shoes were all Nikki.
Deciding on a blue floral dress and white t - shift underneath and some simple but nevertheless cute makeup Leia was ready to party.
"Just call us your fairy godmothers" Emmy smiled as Gwen entered.
Gwen gasped and really looked like a love struck puppy, "You look pretty Leia." she smiled as Leia blushed. Maybe Gwen's crush was requited.

Leia was like a deer on ice. Like Bambi in her heels. Emmy tried to avoid the girl in fear she'd fall on her.
"So your just gonna stand here and wait for Jay?" Gwen asked which caused Emmy to come help.
"Don't let her fall on me please." she whispered, hoping the universe heard as she walked over to the duo.
"Leia if I just heard what I think I did.. I might smack you." Emmy said trying to save her oldest friend from embarrassment. An hour later, a very stubborn Leia was still waiting for Jay.
"She has got to get over this crush." Emmy muttered to Nikki.
"You don't realise? she's just trying to make Gwen jealous" Nikki laughed.
"What the hell since when?" she asked Nikki who shrugged looking for her boyfriend.
Guess Leia was over Jay the .. not that Emmy needed her to be.
She too was over Jay Kelso...
Emmy had a great time at Leia's party, her favourite party she's attended for sure as the food was amazing and Leia's other grandpa literally sing the most embarrassing song ever, dedicating it to his granddaughter.
"I'll make love to you like you want me too" Emmy sung, getting odd looks from her friends.
"What? catchy song" she shrugged as Nik and Nate started dancing.
It was overall an amazing night.
Until she left, starting to walk home walking right into Jay.


word count: 1232 words
i love this chap smmmmm
also Emmy is so not over jay...

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