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Jay Kelso told his best friend, Nate and Nikki who paid no interest in the boys conversation and was reading vogue magazine instead.
They were currently at the forman's basement — their official hangout.
"Great idea bro! whats the plan?" Nate asked which Nikki groaned "Being the only girl in here right now is exhausting. That's the dumbest idea ever Jay, Just tell Emmy how you feel although she has been hanging out with James a lot" Nikki teased while Nate gasped, "Jamie has stole your girl man" Jay rolled his eyes in reply.
"Well Nate, thank you for asking.
The plan is..." Jay trailed off
"Horrible plan man" Gwen said laughing, entering the basement. "Where is Leia? I miss my girl" Gwen asked, Nate smirked in reply.
"Your girl? someone's got a crush" he remarked as Jay moaned and fell onto the floor with dramatics "Everyone but me" he said sadly causing the three other teens to laugh at him.
"Gwen. I think Leia is getting us snacks or something, She said she'll be down soon awhile back" Nikki told Gwen he responded with a nod.
Just on que, Leia Forman entered her basement with a grin at her new but best friends "Where's Emmy?" Leia asked and Jay groaned again, "Probably off with her ugly boyfriend.
Nah that's mean he's a rather good looking guy. But I'm better looking!" Jay said as his friends nodded and comforted him in support.
"Someone's jealous" Leia spoke to Gwen who laughed back with a nod.
"I am not jealous. I just love Emmy so so muchhhhh" Jay complained.
"But hey man, if she's moved on so can you" Nate told his bestfriend.
"DO NOT LISTEN TO HIM" Nikki practically screamed, knowing Emmy's true feelings for Jay.
"Why?" Jay asked, confused.
"Just wait for her" Gwen and Leia nodded "James and her aren't too alike I'm sure they'll break up soon"

"Hello my lovely friends.
What have I missed?" Emmy Hyde asked, entering her favourite place; the Formans basement that currently all her friends were in.
"Oh finally!" Nikki grinned pulling her best friend to sit down on the couch with her.
"Emmy! I've miss you" Gwen smiled "No one here has good music taste"
Gwen shuck her head at her friends in disappointment. "Oi I have good taste in music" Jay retorted at her.
Emmy nodded at him "His music taste is decent to be fair" Jay literally blushed at the girls comment. BLUSHED. Nate stood up.
"Making Jay blush now are we?" Nikki smirked at Emmy who rolled her brown eyes and smiled.
"Um Jay bud. Let's go collect that jacuzzi" Nate said shaking his head at Jay with embarrassment and disappointment but they did have somewhere to be anyway.
"She's just a girl jay! a taken one at that" Nate told the boy as they left.
The girls all looked at Emmy as the boys left to go collect a jacuzzi did seen an advertisement for.
Emmy looked at the remainder of people in the room, laughing
"what the hell is that about?" she asked confusedly to which Ozzie groaned "He likes you dimwit"
"Who?" Emmy asked the group.
"You" Gwen replied with a smile.
"He does not. That's crazy" Emmy shuck her head in reply.
"He really like you Em" Nikki laughed at her friends reaction.
"Wait really?" Emmy said, happy.
"How couldn't he?" Nikki winked at her bestfriend with a giggle.
"Wait but what about James?" Leia asked concerned for Emmy's friend who they all thought she was hooking up with.
"He's gay... you guys didn't know?" Emmy started laughing at her friends.
"A boyfriend for Ozzie! oh my days that means everyone in our friend group will be in a relationship" Leia said, her voice laced in shock.
"Hold your horses, princess Leia.
How do I tell Jay I like him?" Emmy asked her friends, thinking about it.
"Bro what it going on! you've never like a girl this bad" Nate tutted at Jay.
Jay shrugged "I dunno Nate. I think I've really got a thing for her"
"Oh you think! man your crazy for Emmy. Practically drooling" Nate laughed at his friend. Jay rolled his eyes but blushed a little at the mention of Emmy.
"You think I actually have a chance with her?" Jay asked Nate.
Nate grinned "Yeah. I know Leia's birthdays soon why don't you tell her at the party? although James might be a problem...." Nate trailed off.
They arrived at the house the advertisement had listed.
"Check it out! looks great" Nate and Jay spotted the jacuzzi with glee.
An elder lady came out then, she'd probably overheard them.
So unfortunately no jacuzzi.
the older Lady was a little bit of a creep but Jay got a date!
with her granddaughter. If he was going to get over Emmy he had to go to this date and he had to get over emmy because she had a boyfriend for gods sake!


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