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if your ass isn't out of that bed in two minutes I will kick it." Hyde yelled as his only child with threat as Emmy cuddled into her soft blankets, the first day of school had finally arrived much to her dismay. Although seeing her boyfriend, Jay Kelso in a uniform did seem like a need and Emmy got out of bed after complaining a little more. She was dressed in schools black mini skirt with docs and the green jumper with a fresh white collar, adding some jewellery quickly. After she was dressed, Emmy went to have some breakfast with her dad as quickly as she could not wanted to be late for her very first day
"Your starting to sound like grandpa Red you know that?" Emmy mocked him as Hyde death stared his daughter " Ya that's intential, With you having a boyfriend and all." he laughed.
After breakfast Emmy brushed her teeth and did he makeup, checking the time 7:55 she read carefully. Nikki would be here at 8 so they could walk to Nate and Jay's and be at school for 8:30.
After she was ready Emmy grabbed the red jansport bag she'd begged her dad for and packed a few of her school books and grabbed a water.
Nikki rang the doorbell just in time and the two girls went off to school.
"Nik?" Emmy asked her best friend who looked at her in concern.
"Em? you good?" Nikki asked Emmy.
"Ya, I love you." Emmy said with a smile.
"Your such a weirdo. I love you too Em." Nikki rolled her eyes and laughed, pulling Emilia on for a big hug. They felt someone else join in and get scared.
"Ozzie! what the hell." Nikki said as Emmy giggled "you good Oz?" she asked.
It was clear Ozzie missed Leia through his sad smile. Emmy swung her arms around her two bestfriends as they walked to Nate and Gwen's.
"Emmyyyy" Gwen greeted dragging out the y, she hugged Emmy.
Emmy noticed Nate avoided kissing Nikki, it's been awkward with them since his kiss with Leia. The kiss he hasn't told her about and the kiss Emmy was keeping from her bestfriend.
She was going to tell Jay about it soon because she had no idea what to do, she knew she could trust Jay.
Speaking of, the boy walked out of Nate and Gwen's house with a breakfast muffin and smiled, running to Emmy like a child who sees a toy.
"Em! good morning" he kissed her quickly and she could taste the muffin on his lips making her laugh.
"Didn't think you were a blueberry boy." she joked as he rolled his eyes "I like what I like. You wanna taste again?" he flirted but was interrupted as Gwen made a disgusted sound.
Emmy laughed and grabbed Jays hand, giving him a peck on the cheek and the group began to walk to school.

short chapters bc it is the second last :(
for now.

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