The Hunter ~John Winchester~

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~Your pov~

I sighed as I cleared the table, I was a bartender at a bar for hunters, and I was also a psychic. I could touch someone and see their past and future depending on which is stronger. I walked around in my black crop top tank, my jean booty shorts, and my converse. Instead of having the anti-possession tattooed on my shoulder or someplace like that. I had it as a tramp-stamp, most of the male hunters and some of the female hunters would always hit on me, but there was only one that I wanted the attention of. He wasn't like most, he never spoke, and always sat in the back corner. He intrigued me on more than one occasion, none of the others that would come in knew his name, and he ordered the same thing, just a scotch on the rocks. I heard the door open and close. "We're closed for the night," I said leaning over the table to wipe it down, "just one drink" the man spoke as I froze and saw it was the mysterious man. 

"Oh...uhm, sure," I said as he sat down at the bar for once and I walked behind the bar. "Same as always?" I asked as he nodded. I made his drink, handed it to him and our fingers brushed. That was when everything in my body went ridged, I gasped as my head flew back, and everything came to me in quick flashes. I saw a woman on the ceiling, two boys, the man from the bar, and a fire. I gasped for air as I saw the man leaning over me with worry in his eyes. "Are you okay?" he asked as I coughed and sat up. "Yeah..." I whispered as I placed my hand on my head, I then looked at him, "s-sorry..." I whispered as he blinked a few times, "what happened?" he asked as I got off the ground and he stood straight. "I had a vision," I told him as he cocked his head, "of your past, I couldn't make it was too quick" I explained as I leaned against the bar and ran my hands over my face. 'I need a drink' I mentally spoke as I grabbed some bourbon and poured myself some. "What did you see?" he asked as he sat down on the other side of the bar.

"I don't all happened so fast...which has never happened before," I looked into his brown eyes, "there was a woman, a fire, and two boys," I told him as he played with the wedding band on his finger, and grew quiet. "I'm sorry..." I whispered as he looked at me, "it's something I can't turn me. I wish I could, so many hunters come through and every time they touch me, I understand more and more about why they're here...they're here to forget a hunt that fucked with their head hard..." I told him, as I took another sip, letting it burn the back of my throat. "It's harder on me when the emotion is strong..." I placed my hand on my forehead and sighed, "probably why I couldn't make out yours..." I whispered as I sighed, becoming overwhelmed with the emotions from the vision that was also something that happened, if the emotion is strong enough, it latches onto me, being an empath certainly wasn't helping either. I shook my head and walked over to the cash register, knocking over my bottle of bourbon in the process which made me growl. "Mother fucker!" I shouted as I picked it up and I threw it hearing it shatter against the wall. 

The man seemed shocked at my sudden outburst. I blinked a few times and looked at my hands. "Damnit!" I growled as sighed and leaned against the bar, "your anger lingered with me" I whispered, "another thing that happens when I have a vision...if an emotion is strong lingers" I told him, "sorry" he spoke as I looked at him, "it's my fault, our fingers brushed against one another and..." I trailed off. I walked around the bar, sat beside him, and held out my hands. "Do you trust me?" I asked as he stared at me and then nodded. "You're my bartender" he spoke as I smiled a little, "give me your hands" I whispered as he cocked his head slightly. "Do you trust me enough to let me see it? That's why I couldn't last time...something was keeping me from seeing it completely...and I can't see it unless you allow me" I told him as he stared at me. "All right" he whispered as he faced me, he slid his larger, warmer hands into my smaller, and colder hands. "Relax..." I whispered as I leaned forward and placed my forehead against his. "Close your eyes" I whispered as he closed his eyes and I did the same, soon, I began to see it clearly now. 

But it was through his eyes, I knew everything that had happened, I pulled away panting, tears streaming down my face. He just stared at me, I placed my face in my hands and cried. That was the last emotion I had picked up on from him. "Are you okay?" he asked softly as I cried, "I'm so sorry..." I whispered as I looked at him, "I'm so sorry that happened" I told him as he blinked a few times. I then wiped my eyes and sighed. "I didn't know Sam and Dean were your boys," I told him as he cocked his head slightly, "you know them?" he asked as I nodded, "they're regulars when they're in town...Dean hits on me" I told him, "they know what I can do so they try to avoid physical contact with me" I told him "John" he spoke as I nodded, "I know, you're John Winchester...your past told me" I told him as he smiled a little. 

~A month later~

I swayed my hips to the music that played over the stereo as I cleaned, "you closed?" I heard John's voice as I smiled and looked over at him. "Dad?" Sam asked as I looked over at the corner table those two always sat at. "Hey boys" he smiled as I smiled at him, "I'll get your regular, John," I said walking over to the bar, he then sat at the bar as I poured his drink and handed it to him. "What are you doing here?" Dean asked as John looked at him, "I come here in between hunts" he explained as I nodded. "And you never told us?" Sam looked at me, "you never asked" I shrugged as I poured my drink and clinked glasses with John. "You look tired John" I spoke as he scoffed, "I am tired" he spoke, "oh, sorry, John and I call this therapy time...I get he's your dad and everything but you've got a lead in your case coming through the door in" I said as someone walked in. 

"I hate it when you do that" Dean spoke as I smirked, "you wanna talk about it, John?" I asked turning my attention to him, he shook his head, "another rough one huh? Wanna show me?" I asked holding out my hands and he shook his head, "damn, must've been really rough" I whispered as he nodded. "Shapeshifter" he spoke as I cocked my head slightly, "I don't know if it's been here before without anyone knowing or if it read my mind or took the form of..." he trailed off, "Mary?" I asked as he shook his head, "no...surprisingly" he spoke as he sat the glass down with a sigh. "It took the form of you...down to a in the same place, the way you carry yourself, the way you talk, how you act around me...the whole nine." he whispered as he looked at me and I blushed, "I-I hesitated when I first saw it...I honestly thought it was you...and I couldn't bring myself to kill it" he whispered softly as my blush grew deeper. He reached for my hand but stopped, "damn..." he whispered as I stared at him, "fuck it" he mumbled, and he quickly got out of his seat and kissed me passionately. That was when I saw what had happened, the shapeshifter that he thought was me, what he had told the shifter, and how he felt angry, confused, and sad that he killed my doppelganger.

He pulled away from the kiss and placed his forehead against mine, " would've been easier to just kiss you and let you see so you knew what I had told the damned thing instead of grabbing your hand for comfort and you knowing that way" he whispered, "holy shit" Deans voice spoke as we both froze and looked at the door to see the boys standing there. "I'VE BEEN HITTING ON MY DAD'S GIRLFRIEND?!" he shouted as Sam blinked a few times, "this is the strangest thing ever" he spoke as I blushed, "we're just gonna go" Sam grabbed his brother and dragged him out of my bar, "sorry about them" he spoke as I blushed, 'girlfriend' I mentally spoke as I looked at him, "uhm...did you mean what you told the shifter?" I asked as he nodded, "I did" he whispered as I smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too John...have ever since you first walked through those doors," I told him as he smiled. 

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